Sorry if this has already been asked.... Over the years I have purchased many Walkman style players to find when the battery cover has been removed the batteries are still in there and have leaked and in most cases eaten the connectors. These should be easy to replace , where do you guys use ? Any part numbers associated that are easy to fine instead of trail and error on size and fit? Thanks in advance B
If by connectors eaten you mean they're rusted then it seems they can be treated by electrolysis. Have a look at this thread and the answer by @Mister X: I plan to try this method in a few weeks.
Might sound odd but I’ve found, in the case of my d6c battery box, dropping it in beaker of vinegar for a few hours did the trick. Then give it a good wash. Obviously don’t put any circuitry in there but the rust and residue will lift off almost immediately
Hi I use white Vinegar on most but sometimes the spring or contacts are gone completely beyond any repair . so sourcing some replacements would be the goal.
I just posted some information about Axman over here. You can buy bulk battery holders and pull the parts out that you need. I have to believe there's similar shops over there or Amazon and Ebay have them.