How to add photos to your own album

Discussion in 'Announcements and suggestions' started by walkman archive, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    There's a cool feature in this forum: the media albums. With them you can have your own photo (and video) albums available at anytime for sharing with others or using in your own posts.

    How to create a new album

    First, go to the Media Tab:

    Creating an album 01.png

    And then click over:

    Creating an album 02.png

    You will see a page where you can create a new album:

    Creating an album 03.png

    Once you click there, you'll see a window where you can enter a name for your album, a description:

    Creating an album 04.png

    And you can se who can view it. I recommend members only: (not guests)

    Creating an album 05.png

    and who can add photos to it: (in case you want to allow)

    Creating an album 06.png

    Then click Create Album and you're done.

    How to add photos to an album

    Once you have created an album, you can upload images: (if you need help on how to prepare images to upload, take a look at this help page)

    Creating an album 07.png

    Now, select all the images in your computer and start the upload. You'll see something like this:

    Creating an album 08.png

    After a few seconds the upload will be complete:

    Creating an album 09.png

    Then you must enter some descriptions and tags:

    Creating an album 10.png

    Tags are important so other members can find your images easily, not just by its name but by searching for something in particular

    I.e: as you can see, I tagged my AIWA XK-S9000 photo with AIWA, deck,3-head, Direct Drive and Champagne. That means that if someone searches an image in the entire site containing 'deck', '3-head' and 'AIWA', he will find easily my photo.

    Tags are entered just by separating with a comma. You can enter as much as you can, but you MUST enter at least one. I recommend something that goes from whole description (boombox, walkman, deck...) to more detailed, like brand, main feature or color.

    Once you're done, hit Save media, and you'll see something like this:

    Creating an album 11.png

    That's it!

    Now you can filter the by their type:

    Creating an album 17.png

    Or browse by a particular tag, i.e 'dbx':

    Creating an album 23.png

    And here's the best about this: you can easily find whatever images you (or anyone else) tagged as 'dbx':

    Creating an album 24.png

    How to edit your album

    You can edit many different things. for example, you can re-order photos by clicking here:

    Creating an album 12.png
    Then you'll this window where you can simply drag and drop the images. As easy as that:

    Creating an album 22.png

    Hit Save custom order when you're done.

    If you click over an image:

    Creating an album 14.png

    you can edit a lot of things:

    Creating an album 15 w text.png

    Also you can find more tools here which are pretty obvious:

    Creating an album 16.png

    How to add photos to a post using the media album

    Once you have some photos uploaded to your media albums, you can easily add any to any post. When you're writing a post or reply, hit this icon:

    Creating an album 18.png

    and this will appear:

    Creating an album 19.png

    Now just place the cursor wherever you want to insert the image and clic over any image and it will add the code to show it:

    Creating an album 20.png

    you still won't see the image in the post, but when you finish posting your reply, it will appear:

    Creating an album 21.png

    That's it!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
  2. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Looks like the new forum is much more flexible with media. It already looks so much better when you embed a picture and can have it large screen.
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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  4. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Is there any limit on the amount of media we can store each?
  5. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    There's a limit of 50MB of files for each user (which is pretty big but can be increased by demand) and of 50 photos per upload.

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