...Wisconsin, USA that is! 1st post here on the new site. Did a little bit on the old site I seemed to recall. Been a member here for sometime but mostly just lurking. Enjoy Walkman's & related audio tape pursuits... Thanks for making this site possible..
Hi Bob! You’ve been here as long as me, but kept “radio-silence”... what is your fav Analog rig? And Welcome!!!
Hi Jorge, I'd say my Nakamichi CR-7A... Got it new in 1986 from a dealer in Moscow, Idaho. Made many nice recordings over the years. Unfortunately, I don't use it or the mass of other tape equipment very much anymore. Have gotten into much more the past 5 years or so digital multi-channel stuff (4.0, 5.1) like SACD, DVD-A, DTS-CD, etc. But I still have a soft spot for analog tape, period. Ironic how the vast majority of great recordings being released for hi-rez digital formats originated from analog tape.
I hear you! Same here in my household: upgrading my digital rig to Naim CDS3 and Wadia 781 for SACDs they could Not beat my LPs played thru Linn Sondek!!!
Welcome back Bob York, from across the river. I made a major score in your area years ago, the guy had around thirty pinball machines in his basement, I ended up with some audio equipment since he didn't have the Flash Gordon Machine I was looking for.