Hi everyone. I'm Daniel. Getting back into boomboxes because I miss having one. I have a large collection of cassettes that I play on my home stereo, but I miss the portability, which cassettes are ideal for. I bought myself a Crown Csc-850 which didn't work out for me, so I'm actually still on the hunt.
Yes I sold him the 850 and he returned it and you should know by now that I video almost every thing. I wished we had communicated better for me to know that he desires a portable to completely function especially in the area of recording onto a cassette, which is something I prefer not to do with a portable as I record with my Home decks and then only Play on the portables never record via them. Yes I shot three videos an this one has the best sound. 1. Crown CSC-850F Amplifier static stereo sound sold returned may need service for sale S21 05-Oct 2024 (22:46) minutes
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your hunt. The 850 is a classic boombox, it would be hard for me to send it back.