LOOKING for service techs in my area (Toronto, Canada)

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by Sony BBoy, May 5, 2020.

  1. Sony BBoy

    Sony BBoy Member

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    Hi ALL ... I live in a small town about 40 minutes West of Toronto. I'm having a difficult time finding a good service tech that specializes in fixing and restoring cassette decks (and the other good stuff too). Most of the ones I've tried seem un-interested and fix the first thing they see wrong and don't go the extra mile to bring the unit back to its glory and specs. I would love to find that rare guy that loves to restore gear!! Please give me a buzz.

    I have about 10 cassette decks in need of help!
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    We had a thread on here, maybe in the Walkman Section for techs. Weltron Clairtone Braun also lives up there and has a ton of tape players, he might know some service guys, check out his mega-thread, it's unreal. Are you going for a full sonic restore or just need some re-belting?

    The techs look at the units as a bygone technology, you paid a few bucks for it and they don't think you'll pay a few hundred to get it fixed. Some of the newer stuff just requires swaping out bad boards or broken screens and it works again. Tape decks require good eyesight, patience and a source for parts.
    Sony BBoy likes this.
  3. Sony BBoy

    Sony BBoy Member

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    Yes on the full restoration. In other words, not just belts but the whole nine yards... as long as the fixes are within reason. There are times when the deck might be too far gone and the cost might be too risky, throwing good money at bad.

    I agree with you... some of the service places do the absolute minimum at getting the old stuff running and out the door. I don't try to explain that I want something fixed beyond the basics (a full restoration) for two reasons! This how I think I'm weeding out the bad?

    1) if they don't do a good job the first time then chances are they are not interested OR can't do the work anyway...

    2) I don't like to say upfront, my budget is unlimited... great way to overpay!

    I think those service places feel that... the more time they spend restoring one piece, the less profit they make, and I can see why that might be. They probably make more money fixing 20 items (quick fixes) per day than to spend an entire day fixing only one item.

    Cheers, and thanks for the possible connection with "Weltron". I'll see if I can find him on hear.
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    You might want to check over on AudioKarma if no one chimes in here, there's at least two guys still active, one in Texas and one in Chicago. There have been issues in the past with guys doing repairs, at first they get good reviews but then repair times get stretched out, then they don't respond, then your equipment is gone.
  5. Sony BBoy

    Sony BBoy Member

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    YIKES...... that's a scary situation. Thanks for the warnings!

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