My Christmas Present to my dear-self has arrived: @Reli at had mentioned that it sounds as good as JVC RC-550 "El Diablo". Now that my restored and fully recapped El Diablo is gone, I had to get a substitute, so here we are: What an Awesome packaging, I am up to a good start!!! to be continued...
I was looking at those! I love the looks, a field recorder with radio, the design guys must have loved their jobs back then, the equipment is so cool.
Yes, the dudes in Design Dept. did a good job on this one! Not the “military look” of my beloved Sencor or El Diablo... but still very nice! Once restored (but for now I am in my favorite field of reviving baby-Discmans!) I see myself in a deep end of getting myself yet another El Diablo... Is there a pill to cure this obsession?
I get into a nice "zone" around my stash, there's no replacing that. I disagree about the military look, it somewhat has it but a little more civilized like a commander's radio and the uni-mic on the top is like a candle on cake. One of my buddies just told me he has an early Sony Discman sitting in his closet, he said it's nice and he's an EE (they always had the cool stuff), he's bringing it over next week, I'll post it if it ever shows up.