Oiling a WM-EX1

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Clockwork4168, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Clockwork4168

    Clockwork4168 New Member

    Trophy Points:
    Miami, FL
    Hi Guys,

    So I've been using my wm-ex1 for quite some time and it recently started making this squeaky noise after about an hour+ of playing. Here's a video of it:

    Please ignore the buzzing (phone notification). I suspect it's coming from one of the gears under the PCB, which involves desoldering. I'll be doing that this weekend and hoping for the best.

    Anyways, what do you guys recommend using on these plastic/metal pieces? I read somewhere that SuperLube (sold at home depot) is apparently safe on plastic, while Moebius is best recommended for metal-on-metal parts. I inspected the areas around the PCB and from I can tell, it's not coming from the capstans or motor but rather something else. Any ideas as to what it could be? I'll be inspecting it further once I open it completely.

    Any other suggestions as to what I should use?

    Thank You

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