Sanyo M-2448 (Sanyo MR-6200) - Repairs and Pictures

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Hyperscope, Sep 6, 2024.

  1. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    Reference these other threads on the Sanyo M-2448:

    Info needed for a Japanese Sanyo Mono
    Sanyo M2448 Coaxial played

    Now that I am "custodian" of Cassette2go's Sanyo M-2448 I will post here some pictures of the ongoing repairs:

    The AM / FM select switch was broken. Upon opening of the Sanyo M-2448 it was quickly apparent what had happened: The blue top / cap part of one of the push button switches had broken off. The switches are joined as an integral "couple" and are a type of "see-saw" arrangement. The small broken blue tip piece was taped to the speaker.

    I cleaned it and the parent "stump" and also the base of the switch area. Then tacked the blue piece back on with a very small amount of Krazy glue. Then I placed the button cap piece in place after cleaning and filling with JB Weld epoxy. There is a good base of epoxy on the "shoulder" of the push button switch around the blue part base.

    After 3 days of curing and application of Labelle #106 PTFE grease for friction removal (where they have black felt tape where the push button rubs) I think it will "be ok" and be solid. Time will tell.



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  2. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    Sanyo M-2448 the two main drive belts are:



    The same 140mm as the Sony CF-1990 and Sony CF-1980. 140mm x 2 = 280mm -5% = 266mm. Google mm to inches says that's 10.47 inches. Last time for the Sony's I ordered 10.5 inch belt and they were so loose they fell off.

    Wrong. Why? Old belts stretched too much in measuring them.

    Turn Table Needles has a page on the correct way to measure belts. It shows picture of the old belt slack and loose when being measured. Not stretched tightly. Okay. I will try and do it again and order accordingly. So far 2 orders with 6 belts total all no good too loose they fall off.
    So 140mm and 70mm for Sanyo M-2448 is wrong. I will measure again and post pictures.
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  3. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Measured belt path with non-stretching thread. Painstaking.
    Sanyo M-2448 small belt is 142mm.
    Sanyo M-2448 large belt is 277mm.

    Very difficult to get thread around that small belt. But I did it with accurate results I am happy with. Horribly tedious miserable work. There does not seem to be any reference or resource to get the belt size otherwise. #^*(^ %#@#% damn! :nodding:

    How to measure belt page at turntableneedles says to subtract 3 to 5% from even this number to get the correct belt size. So 142 - 5% = 134.9mm. And 277 - 5% = 263.15mm. Google mm to inches conversion tell us that is 5.507 inches for the small belt. And 10.360 inches for the large belt. But I am going to send all these measurements to turntableneedles and let them get the correct belt for me. Because their belt lists don't have sizes exactly at this length. Let them figure it out. And if that fails I will "take a hammer" to all these boxes as Radio Raheem said once about some problem box or other! lol :bigthumbsup:


    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
    Mister X and Cassette2go like this.
  4. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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    The small belt on most of your Sanyo models that only do the fast forward and rewind need to be extra thick belts as I have taken them off being extra thick or longer lasting so trying to find the extra thick belt in a smaller diameter is really kind of hard. Just letting you know.
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  5. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    Yes, big 2x2 square belt was on this Sanyo M-2448 for the FFW and RW.
  6. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    Had the time to finish the Sanyo M-2448 yesterday. New belts from turntableneedles fit very well. Their belt size / name I will have to post tomorrow as I don't have it in front of me. The pulleys were very dirty and required "a million" cotton swabs in alcohol to get done. The leaf switches were likewise packed with dirt and oxidation.

    EDIT update: Belts used from turn table needles are:

    "SBS" Square cross section belt about .046" (1.2mm) thick.

    Square Belt, Small 9.2 Inch (link)
    1.2mm x 1.2mm

    Square Belt, Small 4.6 Inch (link)
    1.2mm x 1.2mm

    All capacitors replaced. Only 3 on the radio board. The larger 470uf was difficult to get to without removing the board - which is to be avoided since it that would appear to involve removal of radio tuning string etc,. So I actually... reached the capacitor pads through a hole in the plastic! A hole meant for wires to pass through. Crazy but I just plowed on and did it ok. All the capacitors they used were Elna with the exception of a Rubycon Bi-Polar 2.2uf 25v for the speaker crossover (waiting on these to arrive from a Korean seller).

    Some observations about this Sanyo:

    1.) They used "wire wrapper" on posts instead of solder for main connecting wires to the boards.
    2.) Every single electrolytic capacitor... has it's negative side oriented / pointing in one direction on the board!
    3.) The cassette mechanism is largely plastic - a translucent type of plastic.
    4.) The cassette mechanism uses NO idler tires at all.
    5.) The light grey grease they used on the cassette mechanism is still soft and without any hardening.

    Deoxit spray used on every switch and pot and the record bar. Cleaned and vacuumed and brushed away dirt.
    Tape mechanism plays very quiet. FF and RW are also notably quiet.
    Produces a pleasing good rich bass sound.


    Old Elna caps and blue Rubycon 2.2uf 25v Bi-Polar.
    Make sure to Deoxit the "record bar" as they are notorious for causing
    every problem imaginable.


    3 old caps on radio board.


    The small belt is tricky to get to. You have to sneak the old belt and new
    belt on under the spring loaded bar. Just to the right / center of picture.
    Small belt has to go around the capstan pulley too. So around 3 pulleys
    in a triangle shape. (Tricky to not get oil on belt. Bronze bearing has to be
    cleaned and oiled at same time. If oil gets on belt use 70% alcohol wipes
    while turning flywheel by hand to move belt through / over alcohol wipe.
    Clean away all oil. Use multiple wipes. But try not to spread the oil to the
    pulleys as well if you know what I mean. Catch the belt as it exits the flywheel
    where it picked up any oil.)

    Fully recapped with Nichicon audio FG and FW.

    Solder pads for the 470uf are accessible through this wire pass through.
    Easier than I thought to reach them and pull off the cap one side at a time.

    Radio board only has 3 capacitors. Two 4.7uf and one 470uf.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
    Cassette2go and Valentin like this.

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