Hi all, I purchased the Sanyo PAT-M5 last year. Back then, I was on the hunt for a portable PA speaker using batteries. I needed a PA system because we were getting married last summer in a park, and I needed it for the officiant to exchange our vows. She would have to be heard clearly with enough volume to carry her voice. I found this unit at the Salvation Army and I didn't have a chance to test it there at the store, before buying it. I had to trust it worked, even, if only the microphone and amp section worked. After getting it home, I cleaned all of the exterior, then spent some time cleaning the tape path for the cassette and 8-track section. Everything worked fine on AC power and I purchased enough D cell batteries to see if it would work on DC, as well. Checked out fine in that department, so I loaded up a cassette tape and pre-recorded 8-track to see how well it played. Surprisingly, all was good. Then, I purchased an inexpensive microphone and stand to test it out. No issues found and we were set to go for the big day. Nando.
Nando thats beautiful, and you get to keep the box that was present at your wedding forever, so cool. I'm hope your both very happy
Great story Nando. That Sanyo is a cool boombox indeed. I never seen one fo these with an 8-track. You have given that nice boombox a nice 2nd life in your wedding. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations, both on your Marriage and the Sanyo. It goes to show that ther will always be occasions when a portable P.A. is required.
That is superb! What an uplifting story! Beautiful wedding picture & the Sanyo getting in on the act too Happy times ahead for you both