Spare Screws

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Michelle Knight, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sussex, UK
    I'm missing some screws for the Aiwa P505 and trying to do a forum wide search for "screw" unfortunately produces rather a lot of results :)

    From what I've read so far, people are getting their screws from donor machines that are beyond salvaging. However, finding such donor machines is more expense and getting harder. (unfortunately I don't have the service manual so don't know what these screws are ... main problem is hinge screw)

    Anyone have anything they could add to this please?
  2. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Malibu, CA
    With "one-of-a-kind" hinge screws you have to be inventive. For everything else get 'em from ebay, some links got mentioned here: DD Walkman Screws. Good news is that its all Metric screws, so if the diameter is right, it should fit.
    Michelle Knight likes this.

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