This is cool, lot's of great information in here. I'll try to find more issues to add.
Definitely a great find. Seeing the pictures of wide unsliced tape made me think of Techmoan's Schaub Lorenz
I just found the 1982 version over at Maybe there's more out there.
Hmm, a simple url tweaking and the '84 version appeared:
Thanks. It is interesting to see the Betamax Hi Fi review I don't think we ever got Beta HiFi here in the U.K. VHS HiFi appeared around that time. I wanted one for about four years, finally buying the first one I saw for less than £300, an ex display Akai VS510.
An early issue of Tape Recording from 1969, there's some interesting things in here but mostly aimed at reel to reel. Thanks American Radio History!
More tapes! I don't know if Walkman Archive posted this but there's some really cool stuff in this issue of Stereo Review 1981
Fantastic retro 'zines that are a joy to read and reference. If you discover additional issues, please post the web links to view. Thanks very much, Monsieur X ....... Bleusy ************
No problem, this stuff is stereo porn, I don't know what I like more, the equipment or the music, it's a great mashing of stuff. Unfortunately peak cassettes was around the early 90's but the development was a facinating part of audio history and I feel lucky to have experienced it; the good news is it's getting some recognition again so maybe it will live as a niche product for awhile.