Wm D6C indicator LEDs

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by David O, Dec 26, 2017.

  1. David O

    David O New Member

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    My Sony wm D6c LEDs have stopped working on the battery and recording level indicator. Does anyone know where to start on undertaking a repair? I use this daily to record analogue distortion and collecting speech. I am a bit lost with out it and would like to try and undertake a repair if not too difficult. Everything else works fine. I am a bit surprised as this has been a work horse tank for the last ten years. It did have a minor repair 10 years ago and had a new opp amp fitted by a guy off this forum that was based in Chicago.
  2. David O

    David O New Member

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    I opened it up to see if there was something obviously wrong . Now not working at all!!!!!!!! Doh
  3. Deb64

    Deb64 Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Leicestershire, England
    I had a similar failure (except the single battery indicator LED was still working) on a D6 recently. In that case the problem was that the LED driver IC, a TA7654P, had failed. The TA7654P is still available and it was a fairly easy repair.
    Unfortunately the D6C uses a CX10043, which looks like a Sony IC, and doesn't appear to be easily available.
    Firstly, I would check some of the other components on the LED board such as the Peak / Batt switch, Q801 and the various capacitors, and make sure they are OK and that the problem is the IC.

    If the problem is the IC then, as far as I can see, you have two options:
    1. Search the internet to see if there are any CX10043 ICs available anywhere. If you do manage to find any, then please let us know.
    2. Possibly modify a scrap D6 board or develop and build a new LED board based around the TA7654P, similar to that used on the D6. The two boards appear to be similar in size, shape and function. The D6C has a three position Dolby switch whereas the D6 has a two position one.

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