I got a non working SONY WM-EX50 for free. No sound - I hope a recap will fix this. The motor is acting strange - changing speed, weird noises and I have to apply light pressure on the PCB where the flex cable is connected, that it even spins. I suspected the flex cable, desoldered it and it measured fine. I lubed the bearings a little bit, the motor sounds better but I think it is still noisy. When removing caps I noticed a strange thing, there are unpopulated solder pads for 2 caps, the caps are present in the schematics (C602, C603) in the motor servo circuit. I did find the datashet of the servo chip: https://www.digchip.com/datasheets/download_datasheet.php?id=493793&part-number=LB1672M the caps are not present in the schematics there. Any ideas what could be wrong with the motor? Why the caps are missing - cost cutting?