Sharp GF-909/EA900 Toyota Aisin Seiki Ltd
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-15 13:26
It's been a while since I posted here. Hello to all my boombox brothers in here! I have a few rare boxes that I'm thinking of selling in the next few weeks. I figure I would post them in here and get some feedback on them. The first is this super duper rare holiest of grails is my sharp gf-909/EA900 Toyota Aisin Seiki Ltd boombox. This is a Japan model. An absolute dream getting my hands on this box!! Second is my Victor RC-550 also a rare Japan Model, and a M1 Super Jumbo Japan Model. Be on the look out, I may be selling them soon.
michiel - 2015-03-15 13:32
Cool I've never seen a Torec J1. Beautiful boxes! Glws!
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-15 13:41
Yeah I forgot to mention that it was a torec J1- very significant. Thanks bro.
michiel - 2015-03-15 15:35
Well I guess most don't care at all for being it a Torec. They are all the same and there are at least ten different of brands of this box. But it is a nice detail I like
stereo.mad - 2015-03-15 16:29
geoff.rcm70 - 2015-03-16 05:51
interesting !!!
Do you have these boxes and know if they work
I was watching them and bidding on 2 of them very recently on Yahoo auction
They went for way to much money
so I would think you are selling for even more
the Toyota sold yesterday there is no way you could get it that quick
for a crazy 61,000 yen hope it works sold as Junk well both actually
the Torec 21000
and the 550
even wrote a post on that one
http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic/victor-rc-550
I was really wanting them not just flipping them before i even got them
Is this a scam ???
Even using the same photos
andyboombox - 2015-03-16 08:38
my favourite is the victor 550
stereo.mad - 2015-03-16 13:20
ao - 2015-03-16 13:32
Yeah, this looks well dodgy, nice work Geoff.
What's the story beatboy? How can you be hinting at selling these boxes using other folks pictures when you actually don't even have them.
Please put our suspicions to rest otherwise we will be forced to issue a seller warning.
ao - 2015-03-16 22:28
Any news here Thomas?
ao - 2015-03-17 01:48
Guys, please consider this a scam until Thomas can clarify.
It looks like beatboy1970's Stereo2go account has been hacked by someone attempting to steal your money off the back of non-existent boxes.
Let's wait for beatboy to explain before we release the dogs. He may be unaware of this attempt at fraud.
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 03:54
LOL I bought all three all these radios in the pics, yes I did and I plan on selling them. I just wanted some feedback on them. I already have the Victor RC-550, I'm waiting for the other two to be shipped from Japan. This is not a scam and no one hacked onto my account. I just noticed all your replies and sorry I did not get back to you guys on this. But yes, I won all three of these radios on auction from japan. Thanks for all your concern.
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 03:57
interesting !!!
Do you have these boxes and know if they work
I was watching them and bidding on 2 of them very recently on Yahoo auction
They went for way to much money
so I would think you are selling for even more
the Toyota sold yesterday there is no way you could get it that quick
for a crazy 61,000 yen hope it works sold as Junk well both actually
the Torec 21000
and the 550
even wrote a post on that one
http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic/victor-rc-550
I was really wanting them not just flipping them before i even got them
Is this a scam ???
Even using the same photos
ao - 2015-03-17 04:35
Aha, thanks for clarifying.
You can understand the concern. You must admit, it does seem odd to canvas for interest on a collectors forum before actually receiving them. Ha, it's almost as if you're only in it for the money. Though, if I'm honest, buying the Victor for $300 and selling it on for $800 has to be a record in anyone's books.
Anyway, thanks again for putting our minds at rest.
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 04:52
interesting !!!
Do you have these boxes and know if they work
I was watching them and bidding on 2 of them very recently on Yahoo auction
They went for way to much money
so I would think you are selling for even more
the Toyota sold yesterday there is no way you could get it that quick
for a crazy 61,000 yen hope it works sold as Junk well both actually
the Torec 21000
and the 550
even wrote a post on that one
http://REPLACEMENT ERROR/topic/victor-rc-550
I was really wanting them not just flipping them before i even got them
Is this a scam ???
Even using the same photos
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 04:58
Aha, thanks for clarifying.
You can understand the concern. You must admit, it does seem odd to canvas for interest on a collectors forum before actually receiving them. Ha, it's almost as if you're only in it for the money. Though, if I'm honest, buying the Victor for $300 and selling it on for $800 has to be a record in anyone's books.
Anyway, thanks again for putting our minds at rest.
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 05:00
PS I paid $160 to have it shipped from Japan.
nickfish - 2015-03-17 05:14
Last time i checked this was a forum where folks shared a common interest in portable audio and shared information, skills, traded parts and bought/sold machines to others. It is not a place for opportunistic profiteering. You have paid a lot for these boxes, and shipping them from Japan too; but your first order of business was to hype them up here and hope that you could make a quick and easy killing.
Put them on Ebay US and see if you can find a sucker there.
This is not what this site is about and if you do it again you will be banned. No more discussion. This is inappropriate.
beatboy1970 - 2015-03-17 08:41
This is my investment, I only asked for peoples feedback. I do this as a hobbie, buy, sell or trade them. I don't need any sucker to buy my radios and I don't need your rude comments, please keep to yourself pal.
geoff.rcm70 - 2015-03-17 09:30
But Really what feedback are you after
these are all boxes everyone knows
ow great thanks
could you offer some information that would help others
Maybe how you bought or interesting facts about removing transformers before shipping a scan of that manual ( but its not a Toyota one Ahh that would be something to post )
thanks for the photos on e bay im so glad i didnt buy it even at $300
I also collect buy sell no problem but as the last post said e bay it and good luck
the market talks
Post on that box should of been about $110 someones laughing
Im sure you have or had a love it just doesn't come across
you made it sound like you were parting with part of your collection
and giving us a big opportunity
but to buy at those prices you must sell at top price
Thats fine
But why put that here ????
ao - 2015-03-17 09:37
Closed now