Auritone 30D7 Clock Radio Cassette Recorder (& Friends) !!
nickdoofah - 2016-03-16 08:57
Thought some of you would like to see this little gem I found recently
From around 1980 these little wonders would come up in the Sunday supplement magazines promising amazing value & performance
In reality of course, they were far from top of the range, however the build quality (on some products) was very good & here's one of those little wonders in mint virtually unused condition!!
Now back in 1980 imagine the wonder of a very decent radio cassette combi with a quartz digital clock designed to go wherever you went!! This is really tiny & for the time something I always wanted No pumping stereo here, just a tiny 2 inch speaker that delivers a very surprising sound!! With the ability to wake up to cassette radio or alarm, this was the perfect travel companion & it still reminds me so much of things we just couldn't have as young teenagers
Plus they were only available via mail order making them very rare & I say that with confidence!!
As already stated, condition is simply astonishing, minty is the word here, the radio & tape deck work perfectly with no signs of worn belts or pinch roller - It looks like the tape deck was never used & is all metal chassis the radio pulls in signals better than some of my big stereo's & sounds really nice
Am pleased I found one of these - a real piece of early 80's technology in original condition........Not stereo I know but too nice not to share with S2Go members
Pictured here in no real order with some (Bigger) friends to show you how tiny it is & to show off my 2 most prized proper stereo's...............