Transparent Walkmans
sotza - 2014-11-14 11:43
Has anyone more information on these two walkmans?
They are displayed in the Walkman Room in Sony headquarters in Japan .
They were produced or they are just prototypes for display?
The WM2
And the WM F5
Here displayed at Walkman Room the WM-F5 is barely seen at the bottom of the pic
tim.chapman - 2014-11-16 09:45
I know that Sony put out a number of "Prison Issue" transparent Walkmans (so people couldn't hide drugs in them). I have one, maybe these are the same, I would kill for that clear WM F5 !!!
sotza - 2014-11-16 10:35
ao - 2014-11-16 11:03
Oh aren't they glorious?
tim.chapman - 2014-11-18 06:21
When I was in prison...
Doing a practicum for my degree, I was surprised to see what the inmates had. Transparent CD players, Transparent TVs, Transparent Walkmans.
Do you think they have alarms on those displays? Just askin'
sotza - 2014-11-19 05:38
When I was in prison...
Doing a practicum for my degree, I was surprised to see what the inmates had. Transparent CD players, Transparent TVs, Transparent Walkmans.
Do you think they have alarms on those displays? Just askin'
I'll take it you believe that they are prototypes ,the only ones in existence, if that's the case,does anyone know if a 3D printer can make beautiful transparent copies of the shell of WM-F5 (WM-2 would be difficult ,it has molded in the aluminum "SONY" logo).
If that can be done we will achieve two goals first we can enjoy a transparent WM-F5 and second it will help many of us stop thinking dangerously!!!