My collection

Originally posted by NGA:
Philips D 8734 - 1983

Nice collection you've got going, NGA. Like others have said, that Universum boombox and the
Philips D 8734 are standouts. They're not cluttered with colour or strange controls. Tell
me, does the D 8734 tune shortwave and/or longwave? If so, does that (unexpectedly) loud unit come with a fine-tuning knob to enhance the
DX'ing experience?
Originally posted by lav loo:
i too once had the same box as the hornyphon but mine was matte silver and labeled philips, a friend got it me off ebay a couple of year back.
it,s not a big unit but sounds great, as you would expect from philips Nod Yes Wink

this one? Wink

And it´a SPATIAL STEREO! Nod Yes
yes that,s the one VS Nod Yes great scenic pic that too.
i did love mine but like a lot of my past boxes had to go for various reasons Frown that spatial sound is king i love it Nod Yes there,s a rare philips d8714 on ebay uk at the mo buy now £100, if i had the cash id snatch it because it is also one in the philips range i would love.
thanks for the pic vs, it brought back fond memories of that box Wink