Hi All, I waited patiently for 5 months to have my Nakamichi ZX9 and RX505E serviced and they are absolutely perfect now. I will be putting these up for sale, they have mint remote controls each and manuals and just serviced and returned today. Fantastic decks which are surplus due to me having a perfect Revox B710 MK III. [GALLERY=media, 859]Nakamichi ZX9 by James Tervit posted Dec 27, 2017 at 4:54 PM[/GALLERY] [GALLERY=media, 858]Nakamichi RX 505E by James Tervit posted Dec 27, 2017 at 4:52 PM[/GALLERY]
If I were in your league, I would have kept ZX-9, just to be on the safe side. But Revox and Tandberg decks do look Awesome!!!
Hi There and apologies for the delay in responding, the Revox Mark II not III has a better bass line, but it is fully upgraded to modern standards and is not a standard deck, for me it sounds the best on my system. The ZX9 reminds me of the 80's with a bit too much treble for my liking but that is a matter of taste as opposed to any technical superiority. The Revox is a studio level deck and the Zx9 is for me better than the dragon, well this zx9 anyway, all capacitors and internals changed to better than factory spec.
I have no space for it and instead of it sitting there it should go to a home that will appreciate it. it would be wasted on me
Just to be clear, B&W had your deck for 5 months? Why don't they operate a system where they notify you of countdown? Seems rather excessive and would really make me think twice about such a shoddy waiting time.
Yes they do notify you. My CR-7 goes in every 2 years or so for a full service and what I do is ring them up and put my name down in the queue, they call me back when they are 2 weeks away from my name. I drive my deck in when I am about 1 week away, that way I only lose my deck for a week or 2.
Anyone that knows Nakamichi could have told you that, the Dragon does not even get in the top 3 of best Nakamichi decks. The Dragon is way behind the 1000ZXL, ZX-9 and CR-7.
A bold statement! Does this hold for playback as well? Surely the NAAC offers some advantage? My only personal experience with Nakamichi so far is my CR-7, but I admit every once in a while I'm tempted to hunt down a dragon...
Yes bold statement, which I stand behind. By all means try a Dragon to find out for yourself. Not knocking you but you make the same mistake most people make, they mistake the tech in the Dragon to mean better. Most people that think the Dragon is the best have not heard one and just repeat what they have heard, which get’s repeated and on and on which then becomes magically the truth. NAAC is just the same as the CR-7’s Azimuth Correction except it’s automatically done for you and incidentally has less range than the Azimuth Correction on a CR-7.
They told me up front that it was due to workload, they don't rush the job they take their time to get it right as opposed to a fleabay pretend service. I am a very patient fellow and like a fine wine the best comes from waiting.
I couldn't agree more and your CR-7 will record better than any Dragon, in fact the CR-7 is top of the line for me and the zx9 a close second.
It was great to find out for myself and I had a lot of fun trying, I got berated in some Nakamichi group and promptly left due to the magical nature of people saying I was wrong lol. They are great Digital sounding decks, just not my cup of tea, I prefer the rich bass tones with balanced sound on my Revox Mark II
I'm always interested to get some more data points, and I can definitely believe that there's a bit of an echo chamber effect when it comes to opinions on the Dragon. Considering the prices Dragons command these days I'm better off hearing from you guys
To be honest this is only my opinion based on what i can hear which incidentally a lot of people agree with, but like I always say take whatever people say with a pinch of salt. Always do your own research whenever possible, as what I like and think better may differ to yours. If you get a chance to try a Dragon, do it. Just make sure you get it and the CR-7 plugged into revealing equipment that can really show you the difference else you will miss what is going on up the line.
You are correct some people are so blinkered in their views and will not try anything different and anyone that says different is wrong. Another one that a lot of people talk about and most of them have never heard is the Linn LP12, it’s not a bad player and was good in the 70’s but a lot better turntables have super-seeded it. For Linn fans LP12 is it. Well the saying is ignorance is bliss. For me I always have an open mind else I will miss something good.