How to post photos in the forum

Discussion in 'Announcements and suggestions' started by walkman archive, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I decided to write a quick tutorial on how to do it. First of all, do yourself a favour and leave old browsers right now. Internet Explorer 7, 8, etc...

    Just download and install a modern one, like Google Chrome or Firefox. Don't go ahead until you really do this. Really.

    Then prepare your photos. If you want some advice on how to take then, you can take a read on various articles in my website.

    After you have them, it's a good idea to downsize them to about 1-2 Megapixels. The more you have, the more you will last to upload... and the more we have to wait to see them.

    You can use free imaging software like Xnview or Picasa. If you are using Picasa, which I highly recommend, after installing it, be sure to add the folder that contains the photos:

    Downsizing images 01.png

    then select the images you want to downsize (they appear here with a thin blue border):

    Downsizing images 02.png

    Now prepare to Export them:

    Downsizing images 03.png

    And select these options:

    Downsizing images 04.png

    Click Export and you are done:

    Downsizing images 05.png

    Then, click on 'Upload file':

    how upload photos - 01 upload button.png

    Then a window will appear. select all the photos you like. You know, hold Ctrl key (Cmd in Mac) while you clic over the images to select more than one. Then, clic OK and you will start uploading them:

    how upload photos - 02 select photos.png

    After a few moments, upload will end:

    how upload photos - 03 wait.png

    Now it's time to start writing. You can just write and post it. If you prefer to insert images between paragraphs, do write and when you want to insert an image just place the cursor and click over 'Thumbnail' on the image you want:

    how upload photos - 04 insert.png

    so it will appear:

    how upload photos - 05 inserted.png

    That's it!

    Please don't insert them as Full size because that causes the entire post to become hard to read, not only in computers but especially in smartphones and tablets. Here's what happens when you insert a photo at "Full size" and then want to read it in your smartphone:

    It doesn't look great, huh? Indded not.

    Now look how it looks when you insert it as thumbnails:

    And when you click on it:
    Great, huh?

    If you want to center it, click here:

    how upload photos - 10 aling center.png

    How to insert all the images you uploaded

    If youclick over "Insert every image as...":

    how upload photos - 07 insert all.png

    you'll get this:

    how upload photos - 08 all inserted.png

    I first didn't like that but I actually like it. To re-arrange you'll have to place the cursor between them and hit Intro:

    how upload photos - 09 inserting enter.png

    You can insert them one by one. Place the cursor, insert a thumbnail, hit Intro twice to go down two lines, click Insert again... and so on.

    How to upload an image from another website

    first of all, go to the other website and right click over the image. Copy its address:

    how upload photos - 11 copy image address.png

    then click over this button:

    how upload photos - 12 insert image button.png

    And paste the copied address:

    how upload photos - 13 paste image address.png

    Click Insert, and that's it!

    NOTE: The image will remain stored in the other website and NOT copied to this one. That means that image services like tinypic, Imageshack... will delete them after some time. And they will dissappear from here. If you want a copy here, donwload them and upload here.

    How to add a link to your image:​

    select it (so it becomes blueish) and click here:

    how upload photos - 05 put a link.png

    And then write your link:

    how upload photos - 06 link.png

    That's useful for your auctions.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2017
    Awei_tank likes this.
  2. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    Many thanks I had forgotten it was there but if i recall correctly ,i did try to follow the instructions some time ago but I could not manage to download them .I will have another go Thanks again
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    You can skip the Picasa steps and upload directly if you wish. You just need a faster connection or wait more time.
    What browser are you using and how much time is since you installed or updated it?
  4. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    i am using a SAFARI Version 11.0.3 browser but Picassa is ,I think ,no longer compatible with an I-Mac but i am not very god at these things
  5. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    No problem; you can just upload the photos directly using Safari. It just will take more time to upload than if you downsize them a bit.
  6. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    Thanks for your help on this. I have tried to do this from direct from Safari by clicking on the square box with an arrow for the options on where to post /send the photo . The problem is that although there is an e-mail box there is a grey tick in the box to the left of the BLUE E-MAIL SIGN and no matter what i do nothing happens when i click on the box or the e-mail icon and I do not know how to change this
  7. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    I was trying to down load the photo from the laptop but I have now tried my i-phone to do it and this seems to have worked I have sent as a test a photo of a white but yellowed Sony solar- panelled Walkman so i will see if it has come through on the site . If it does at least I know I can do it from there
  8. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I don't understand what you mean.
    You just have to follow this tutorial from the point where I say "Then, click on 'Upload file'" (look for the 6th image) and that's all. I've recently discovered that in fact you can drag and drop the images directly to the reply field and it will upload them too. As easy as that.
  9. PHILIP[

    PHILIP[ Member

    Trophy Points:
    I am sorry if I have not explained clearly but I am really confused. I have gone to Photos picked a photo edged blue and then gone to fFle and chosen Export as PDF which is the option shown. I am then given an Option of three boxes .One says EXPORT AS the other says TAGS and the last says WHERE. It does not say anything about Export to Folder and the next step you show about resizing does not appear anywhere .In the box which I have it says Where and there are up and down arrows and if you press on that it shows various options such as" Misc Cloud Desktop Applications I- Cloud Drive Downloads Pictures Previous i-tunes library" and some other meaning less numbers and letters. I can go no further as nothing else happens
  10. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

    Trophy Points:
    Im sorry philip to not reply you earlier.
    As you're using Mac and me Windows, I cannot help you more. If you have a friend that knows more about using the MAc, ask him how to do this...
    My two cents.
  11. Michelle Knight

    Michelle Knight Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Sussex, UK
  12. 325addict

    325addict New Member

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    Oh my, this is WAY too complicated for me. I'm NOT risking my pictures like this. I may have another solution: what about setting my camera to a low resolution right away, then post these pictures?
    Cassette2go likes this.

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