We've been here before...

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Antoni, Feb 7, 2018.

  1. Antoni

    Antoni Active Member

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    As some of you may have seen on the news, Best Buy in the U.S. will stop selling CD's in the near future and we have seen it all before with other formats.

    I still have a few cds that, I listen to from time to time and working on transferring my faves titles into cassettes (btw, is that cheating?).

    Most of us here continue to enjoy the sounds from the analog world with the exception of Mini discs (long gone at retails) and portable cd players (soon to wave good bye).


    Link to the article below.

    Brutus442 likes this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The last CD I bought was Van Halen's last one about 5 years ago, it was from a specialty old-school music store. I don't remember the last time I saw CDs in a Target or Walmart but it's been years. The good news is the thrifts have a million of them for pretty cheap, now I just have to upgrade my car to one with a CD player and get rid of the cassette....
  3. Patron

    Patron Active Member

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    I heard the news today too, sad but it was meant to be, I never listen to my cds, don’t know what it is, I rather play my Records .
  4. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Do Walmart still sell CDs?

    I don't remember the equivalents to Best Buy and Target in the UK (i.e Comet and Currys) ever selling CDs.
    In contrast in 1989 I bought my first ever CD in Asda, who are owned by Walmart. I am sure that Asda still sell them as their rivals Sainsbury's where I normally shop still do. They also sell Vinyl and have even gone as far as doing a couple of exclusive releases.


    What I have noticed is how cheap CDs are these days. Twenty years ago a typical chart CD cost over £10 (which was probably more in real terms than vinyl is today) and while the cases were on display, to reduce theft, you had to go to the Cigarette Counter to pay and get the actual disc. I always thought that was a cunning ploy as £12 didn't seem that much when the person in front spent £25 on Cigarettes.

    Nowadays most of the CDs they sell are around £5 and they are tucked in a corner at the back of the shop next to the greeting cards (the most expensive of which are more than a cheap new CD). By the yesterday checkouts they had a pretty good looking compilation (probably aimed as a Valentines day present) of 5 CDs for something like £5.99.

    Poundland has second hand but re-shrink wrapped and supposedly like new CDs and DVDs for (as you might guess) £1. Some Charity shops are even cheaper.

    One reason given for UK Woolworths demise in 2009 was a drop in sales of Physical media. During the 1990s I must have spent a couple of £1000s there on CDs as it was the nearest local shop with a decent selection. Nowadays when I do buy CDs they are often for 1/10th or less of what I used to pay.

    Personally I am not a fan of paid streaming as you would be paying the same whether you used it at all during a month. While I have bought a few albums on Itunes etc an experience with Tone Damli CoCool


    really annoyed me. I wasn't allowed to buy the download on ITunes or Amazon as I am not in Norway :yousuck:. Determined to get it I paid £25 for a physical CD from an Ebay seller in Germany.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
  5. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    cd's were shiat anyway, they don't last 5 minuites
  6. Antoni

    Antoni Active Member

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    What do you mean by not lasting 5 minutes?

    I still buy cds at thrift stores if, I see a title I've been looking for or peaks my interest, I pay about $1 each and $0.50 for a cassette.

    Cassettes are a crap shoot, sometimes they're good and sometimes not.
  7. Brutus442

    Brutus442 Well-Known Member

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    TBH the last CD I purchased wasthe new U2 album. I still (very selectively) want something tangible in my hands when buying SOME music (mostly for liner notes and the artwork). That being said I still have a CD player in the car and it reads MP3's. I Have no aux jack and really don't want a FM broadcaster to play tunes via iPhone.

    So this old fart coverts his music into sh!tty mp3's and pops them on blank CD's. Archaic....I know but it's what I do. I also confess to listening to more podcasts now than music in the car, just so I can have a laugh while sitting in bumper to bumper misery.

    New vinyl is ridiculously overpriced here. Old vinyl can be had cheap but it's slim picken's TBH.
    Read this article from one of our dailies here in Toronto...

    I've been getting into a lot of quasi indie bands lately and find that many still pump out CD's and only sell them through there websites so I still have that as well.

    As far as Best Buy goes, it's a business decision that ultimately satisfies the bottom line. It's a shame but the next generation is more than happy with digital media in a file format as opposed to a physical one, but the consumer votes with their wallets don't they?
    Antoni likes this.

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