On the Blade Runner 2049 Blue Ray, there's a short entitled Blade Runner 2048, set a year earlier. At 2m 20s in, there's a boombox and old stereo. Somebody here is going to recognise it for sure...
I think that is the one. The orange button at the top left of the controls is quite distinctive. Buy one now before the price shoots up ?
What's the betting that eBay will now be clogged up with "as featured on Bladerunner 2048" Goldstars for £1k a peice?
There's another boombox at the end of Ready Player One, during the closing scenes when Wade and Artemis were in the swivel chair. I'm going to have to get a clip. For those wondering, the last few weeks have been crazy, but I have finally got a picture of the circuit board of the Aiwa, ready to label and de-solder it. All I've got to do now, is print the thing on A3 !!!