I have a Sony TC-KE500S and i wanted to record something to it. So i read the guide on TheWalkmanArchive. I did everything the site told me to do but I'm running into problems when calibrating the machine. I pressed the "Calibration" Button and after that Record and Play. Now theres the Low and High Frequency meter being displayed on the display. I played around with the Bias and the Record Level but i cant match the two meters somehow. The Low Frequencies are always a little bit off and i dont know why. Can anyone help me? And yeah, sorry for my bad English. I'm only 15 years old and most of my English I learned from Old-School Hip Hop and mostly from Techmoans Videos
Hi David. I see your problem. This is often caused either by tapes that have by high frequency response or by badly calibrated deck. What tape are you using?
Now that @walkman archive said it it came to me that 20+ years ago, when I had a 3-head Sony ES deck and really cared about calibrating each and every cassette, that some of them refused to cooperate. Try some NOS Chrome or Metal cassette from Sony/Maxell, if the same result then its the aging deck getting bad...
Ohhh okay, that makes sense. The Problem is caused by a Type 1 Tape i had laying around and i was trying to calibrate my machine to it. I just tried it again with a maxell XL II-S 90 and i was able to calibrate it perfectly. Thanks for your answer
ok, solved. This happens sometimes, and can be solved with an EQ. Also if you have some skills and a RTA (real time analyzer) software you can make it perform like a better tape.