Hi everyone. I have bought various Sony tape walkmans from the eighties,nineties and 1 from 1999 or 2000. Whenever i use my walkmans(i rotate them all every few days) i have never used the fast forward,rewind and never cue or review functions. The only walkmans i use fast forward, rewind is when i use the wm- d6c's. Never cue at all. For example the ex series of walkmans. Beautiful slim, good quality sound etc but just looking at the physical size of these you can see jist how difficult it would have been to fit a powerful motor in one of these to enable fast forward, rewind etc. I just think that by not using these functions and just letting the tape finish helps to maintain the integrity of the belts and other mechanical parts such as nylon cogs etc. Even if a yape has 15 or so minutes left i still just let the tape run through and either press stop or allow it to stop if it has auto stop especially as some of these units are now 20-30 years old. This is just what i believe so i am wondering what other peoples thoughts are relating to this. Look forward to hearing from other tape fanatics.
I fast wind if i need to, it's no big deal. I tend to fast-forward or Re-wind pressing stop in between using those functions. As you can see from my sig, i use D6C, DC2 and DD9.
Hi TooCool4. Thanks for reply. I dont know if you agree with what i said regarding wear and tear when using these functions but all wm's come with this function. I just thought it may help not to use them considering some are between 20-30 years old. Thanks again for reply.
Well i guess it should make them last a bit longer. I would not let a cassette play 15 minutes of blank space for the sake of wearing out some gears, i would not even wait 1 minute.
Hi TooCooL4. Youre quite right but when my music finishes i just pop out and make a coffee. We all have our own peculiarities i guess. Thanks again.
Hi TooCooL4. I recorded all my classical music on to tdk max90 metal tapes back in the late eighties,early nineties and sometimes it was difficult to fully utilise all of the tapes length and i dont like to mix other types of music with my classical- hence some tapes ending up not being completely used up. Just me i suppose.
I am with @Derek marshall on this: I use only Play and Stop buttons. Use Play to start listening, Stop when done listening Should I rewind or play all cassettes to the end? why? I use cheap Sony Walkman to rewind cassettes, twice, before recording session.
If I am using a more durable walkman like WM-3 or TPS-L2 or a DD walkman I use all the buttons (FF, REW, PLAY) but if i am using a more delicate walkman I will try to just click the PLAY button and use my deck to FF or REW the cassette.
Hi Boodokhan. When i was doing all my recording i use to do the same thing. Put tapes in my main recording deck to fast forward or rewind. Also a lot quicker. Thanks for reply.
Hi TooCooL4. No i did all my recordins back in the late 1980's and early 1990's on Sony ES equipment. I now listen to all my recordings on various Sony walkmans, discmans and mini-disk players. While i still had my recording equipment i used the ES recorder to just fast forward or rewind my tapes. Hope this clears it up for you. I dont do any recording any more- just enjoy all my music.
Hi Derek marshall okay i see. I still record my records, but only the ones i like enough to want to listen to on the move hence i just listen to the original records while i am at home.