Hey-o everyone, I recently picked up another wm-10. Well, this one is a wm-20. I am trying to get to the pinch roller as it is stuck and the rubber needs to be replaced. However I cannot figure out how to get to the dang thing! I have been looking at diagrams and I see what screws need to come off so I can take off the for ff, rw, play, and stop mechanism but cant figure out how to get to the screws that are underneath everything. I.E. the screws that hold on the wheel for the pinch roller (item 361 in the trouble shooting guide). If anyone has any info please let me know! Thanks,
Yeah that is what I have been using. I just cant figure out how to get underneath. Can i just pull it off? (the big brass wheel) Because I just don't see any other way to get it off besides the screws underneath it which i cant figure out how to get to since the front race is riveted on.
I too can't seem to find a free service manual for the WM-10/20, just that "Troubleshooting Guide" which is explains things in detail but differs in content from your usual service manual. Thankfully, though, the WM-30/10 Mk II, is an almost identical unit. It's service manual can be download for free here: https://freeservicemanuals.info/en/servicemanuals/viewmanual/Sony/WM10MK2/WM30/. Disassembly of the transport can be found starting on page 7. To answer your question, though, the capstan and brass flywheel is held by the bushing on top of the capstan. It's very easy to remove it. I hate how you need to virtually disassemble the entire transport to access the pinch roller. Not actually that difficult, but many small parts to align.
Thank you!! This was a tremendous help! I managed to get the transport off and I think I found my culprit. A small metal price was wedged in there. Although I don't think its the end of the problems for the pinch roller. It looks like the pinch roller is not even attached. Like some kind of spacer for the inside is missing. Although that piece was stuck inside that space.
Got the head chassis off and the pinch roller is totally dead. The rubber is moving around the plastic and doing whatever it wants.
I encountered the same problem as well, so I just hammered out the axle to clean everything and sand them smooth. It was quite fiddly to put back together, but it works fine now with new rubber for the roller.
I got some locally, so I don't think I can help with that one. It wasn't perfect fit, as I need to cut its sides to make it fit. But, as I recall, I think the outer & hole diameter is quite standard, so I think it shouldn't be too hard to find some? It's just the width that's a bit narrower than usual. Not the ideal solution, but my fix was good enough for me.
You might want to try these guys, they have a great reputation and have been around forever. Some of their catalogs are hard to find, I downloaded several PDFs from them years ago with a ton of maintance parts, although I've never used them, yet. http://russellind.com/index1.htm