Its extremely hard to find a D6C in your price range. The value of a good working D6C without any accessories worth more than 380 USD. Do not buy a D6C with missing part (like Knob) since you will end up paying for another D6C walkman to use the part and a non-functional D6C that listed for parts is always more than 100 USD.
I have become aware of that. I've basically decided I’ll look in the $300-450 range but I think I’ll pass on $500.
What are some questions I could ask about this one to get a better idea whether its worth it?
I would ask about the battery corrosion, ask for a picture and also a picture of the playback head. If it’s scratched don’t buy it, but if it’s dirty or white it can be cleaned up with isopropyl. Also, maybe ask if it’s been serviced. But pics of the tape compartment would be useful This Japanese site often lists walkmans as junk, meaning they haven’t tested it rather than 100% broke only issue is postage but if you send it to a local service place near you the deal might still work Around the price tour looking for, needs repaired and sadly no strap, how ever it does include a power adapter Wich I don't see often. My need a belt swap based on the description. This was one I was originally eyeing down before I decided to go with a "cheaper" wm-3.
I just won this auction: If it need repairing, the Goodwill eBay account accepts returns. They say it is working however so we shall see. If it’s nothing major, I may keep it and pay the cost for repair. $276 isn’t bad?
UPDATE: ok I just received the WM-D6C and some good news and bad news The good news is it is beautiful and runs perfectly so far as I can tell. I haven’t recorded yet but playback is great! Bad news is that I wasn’t aware until I got the order that it doesn’t have the battery case!! Ugh So what should I do? Should I return it and keep looking? Should I try to sell it for more than I bought it? Should I keep it and hope to find a case or save to buy a parts only wmd6c for the battery case? Advise?
That’s annoying! I’d keep it, it’s a real bargain. Just use a mains power source for now, maybe find a cheapo Walkman to carry out and about until you can find a case
I'd go with Speedy's suggestion and keep looking on Ebay. Battery cases do come up for sale from time to time.
If you are going to keep it, i would ask for some money back since they never told you the battery holder was missing.
I bought a D6c with no battery case but it was not easy to find a replacement for it .I also bid for any D6C being sold for parts but they were always too dear today f just or the case only .I did however find notice that one of the very early walkman I had actually had exactly the same case which fits the D6C. I managed to buy one of those Walkman for I think it was £20 or so. I cannot for the moment remember the model but I did make post of this on the site so you may be able to find it I have since managed to find the unit I used to do this .It was one of the old cassette recorders TC-44. I hope this may be of help if you come across one of these units on site .The only shame was that the unit TC-44 worked very well so I am still looking for a spare case for it but at least the D6c could be used with batteries rather than the main only
So you're saying this unit here has the exact same case? That would be a great deal!! Can anyone else confirm?
That battery carrier doesn't look the same as the battery holder for the WM-D6 or D6C. There was a carrier listed on Ebay recently but it has been sold. Here is a link to the listing, which contains detailed photographs. Battery Carrier WM-D6C
There is a listing for one on a website called Preloved out of the UK I am looking at. Hmm, well if the TC-44 actually fits then I wouldn't mind spending $15 or so for one just to make it portable, maybe at least until I can get the actual factory part. Philip Taylor, how long have you had the TC-44 battery case in your D6C and have you have any other issues?
Hi Shaun It has been in about 10 months but i do not use the DC6 much as I have several and mainly collect a lot of walkman so i have some difficulty Using them all every day .The battery case seemed to me to be identical to the one used in The D6C and I can see no reason why there would be problems .Also I cannot recall now if my unit was a D6c or just a Wm -D6but i do not believe that will make any difference. If you can pick up a TC-44 cheaply it is worth a try as I think to buy another DC6 for parts will be more expensive and the case on its own does not come up often .I also have never found anyone making them as they cannot be made apparently by a 3D printer. I asked the guy who makes the the lid that goes over the battery case but he said it was not possible .If you do not have the battery Lid/Cover he sells them on Ebay. HERE IS THE LINK FOR THAT D Printed Replacement battery cover for Sony Pro Walkman WM-D6 and WM-D6C YOU WILL SEE IT ONLY COSTS £11.99 plus £4.95 pp I have also just seen A TC-44 for sale for what looks like parts but it is in the USA and there is postage and import charges if you are in UK . You could ask him at least to let you have photo to see one for yourself . If you cannot find one I will try and dig out one of my DC^ battery case and try and show you that it fits in the TC-44and vice versa if I could mane to do a video perhaps but I am not good at such things at my age coming up to 70 in May here is the link Printed Replacement battery cover for Sony Pro Walkman WM-D6 and WM-D6C here is another one I found but this time from Venezuela and again it does not show the battery case in the photos and postage is dear again Original SONY TC-44 with case Cassette Corder Not Work For parts or Repair
Deb64, does the D6 and D6C share the same battery case. It might be worth a shot, even if just a temporary solution! If it works, I can report back with photos.
Yes the battery cases for the D6 and the D6C are the same. I sell the 3D printed slide on covers on Ebay. They are relatively easy to manufacture but the battery carrier would be more challenging. I would need to make the metal connectors, which would need special tooling making up. This is fine if you are manufacturing thousands of items but would be too expensive for producing a small number of parts. I'm not sure if it would be possible to 3D print the plastic frame for the carrier as it has thin walls. It will be interesting to see if the TC-44 battery case fits into the D6C. Before you try and fit the TC-44 battery carrier into a D6C, make sure the connectors are the correct polarity. The pin nearest to the cassette is the +6V pin. The centre pin is used for charging the rechargeable battery pack BP-23. If using a non rechargeable battery pack then this should not be connected to anything. The outer pin is OV. If you connect the batteries with the wrong polarity then you will destroy the motor servo IC (IC601) and possibly damage the DC-DC converter.
Thanks!! Philip, if you could dig that TC-44 case out from where its hiding, could you shoot some photos? I'd like to be pretty darn sure this is going to work and not fry my equipment before spending any more money. That is, if you can, I would very much appreciate it!
Battery case for D6C is easy to find but the slide cover is very hard to find. am glad that we have somebody who is able to 3D print the slide cover. TC-44 look is very familiar to me i might have some units. I will check and compare it with D6C
Awesome! If you have a unit (or multiple) please check for me. Also, if you happen to not mind selling one of them for the case, please let me know!