Hi, Username Redfish. Nickname Don. Prefer home stereo with good speakers and analog playback to other forms of listening. Don't like headphones except for telephone and don't like telephones. Bought Walkman EX921 to plug in to car stereo for cassette capability. No background in electronics but can follow directions. Can solder circuit boards.
Hi guys, Maybe some more info due. At age 67 I need another hobby like I need another hole in my head. Boatbuilding, sewing machine repair, carved rocking horses, target shooting, fishing, catapults, more. Not to mention a house we're stuck with/in in Texas that has needed significant repair before it can be put up for sale. Above listed hobbies have resulted in ownership of 6 guns when I really only need 3 and we're not even going to talk about how many sewing machines. Fascinated by how things work. I have no no no no intention of collecting walkmans. Yes, they're interesting. But I see my time here getting shorter. I miss my music. And in order get quality I have to learn some of the older tech since the new stuff doesn't get it. I'm thankful to those of you who set up this forum, those who share their knowledge here, and especially those who, unlike myself, are functional in more than one language. It's not something I take for granted. I've already figured out that the Walkman I got came with the wrong remote. Working on getting the right one without getting taken on the price. It came with the more readily available disc player remote which I assume will run the basic functions only. Won't get to try it till next week when we go home where my tapes and records live. That will quadruple what I have to listen to in the car. Vinyl records opened, cleaned, played one time to record on tape, and put away. So that's me. Don
Welcome to Stereo2go Redfish. I am like you I don’t collect anything especially Audio / Hi-Fi related, I would rather be enjoying listening to my music than collecting things. One thing I don’t understand, why only open the records to play them once to record them and put them away? Me I would rather be listing to the best sound quality every single time, for me sound quality is the most important thing besides time spent listening to second rate sound can never be recouped. My cassettes are mainly for when I am out and about.
Had to think about that one. I guess it had more to do with family members who had less respect for a turntable than I did. "No, it's not a shelf for you to stack video tapes." Or better, "No. Using a turntable for other than it's intended purpose does not make you a musician." And a now ex-wife who wanted to loan records to people who would have played them on a r r r record changer. Sorry the words still make me cringe. It was just easier and safer to make the rule and put them away. There was also a matter of a bad turntable choice which has since been corrected. So maybe I'll get another chance.