The Firebird Suite 1919 [Excerpt] - Original Master Recording • High Fidelity Cassette SAMPLER CASSETTE Enjoy! Oz Let There Be Sound, L.L.C.
It sounds impressive. But... is it a Nakamichi reference or a MFSL? By looking at the tape and the J-card I say it's MFSL
Whoops! Good catch! Ha! As soon as I hop back in from my laptop I’ll make the correction! Clearly I copy & pasted the title from a previous video in order to save time I totally forgot to make the revision. Thanks again, this will be rectified shortly. Oz
Just revised the second video I posted yesterday. That too had the wrong title so I hope you'll like that one as well. It's the Earl Klugh / Finger Paintings' song. Thanks again.
Thanks for the recording, it doesn't sound too bad in my little office. When you're out in the field are you seeing more people interested in cassettes? Your recordings are great examples of how nice it can sound and having all of the cool equipment to play it on is a bonus.
Thank you! And to answer your question, yes! I am seeing a bit of a (cult level?) upswing in all things audio cassette when I am out and about in the local record stores. Good times indeed! Who knew they could sound this good? I totally have a new level of appreciation for the ol' analog cassette now in my old age. I grew up with it as a kid in the 80's and thankfully I kept all my original mix tapes.
Don't worry, I didn't do just to pointing the mistake; just a small appreciation. A good video indeed. You're tempting me to do easy videos with my new videocamera and lighting equipment. I have a few MFSL cassettes and one Nak reference recording.
Actually that's not a horrible idea. I'd have to search through my tapes to see if I have any duplicate titles.