Yeah, I was just wondering... all of us collectors, how many of you (and this would most likely be the collectors that have been doing this for a long time) have a Bbox in their collection which turns-out to have been with you longer than the original owner??? This is not including your own that you have kept, but could be one that you bought from a family member, or friend. Let us know! And, if you got pics, let us see!!!!!!
I'm feeling really brain dead, my first real find was around 2002, an AIWA but I don't remember which one, now I have to go down into the stacks to look at it to jog the noggin. Not quite 17 years but the first owner would have had it around 22 before I scored it at Goodwill (thrift store chain).
This is difficult to answer on a couple of levels. When did you become a Collector as opposed to someone who just thought Boomboxes or Walkmans were a cool thing to have ? What are you going to include in your collection ? Radios ? Monos ? I still have what was my late Mothers Sanyo M2400FG, which she bought in 1973, which I acquired from her in about 1981 when she replaced it with a Sony CFS210L So that was 8 years with her and now 38 with me. I also have a beat up Akai PJ35 which I bought in about 1987 when it would have only been about a year old However, I didn't get either with collecting in mind, but to use. I already had a Sony CFS45L boombox, but the mono Sanyo was more suited for use with my computers (the first being a ZX81), while the Akai got used in my den. From the 1970s I did consider myself to be a collector of Valve / Tube radios, buying books on the subject and dreaming of getting a Catalin one. Something that surprises me is that today there are many collectable Boomboxes and Walkmans that are approaching forty years old, much older than the 1960s radios I was collecting in the 1970s and 1980s. For example I still have a Philips 1960 Philips Philetta Radio that I bought as a olde worlde collectable back in 1983 when it was just 23 years old. The fully remote control Sony in my avatar is now 19 years old ! Does that make it Olde Worlde ? To youngsters the inclusion of a cassette deck probably means it is. I think a lot depends on your age. A memorable example was when we were selling collectable tines at a fair. A bloke who looked to be about 30 picked one up and started going on to his partner. "Look at this old tin. It's copyright is 1993. Amazing ! It's really old" Then he bought it from us. I suppose to him it was old. p.s You might be getting old, much older than your lovely Sharp VZ, but you're not as old as me.
Hey Longman... All is acceptable/relevant, once you are a "Collector"... I think. I got a couple of Bboxes before becoming a "Collector", like you... from my bother who got it from original owner back in the days. The owner had it a year and the bother about 22 years... so I am 4 years shy of having it longer than him, but have had it 18 year more than the original owner! And, I think I got a GF-9191, but cannot be sure... Thanks for the pic, of the SANYO!!!! ....... Mister X, when you brain come back around... let us know!
Mine was a AIWA CS 660, just a big beautiful beast with killer dual VU meters. I remember some guys was kind of looking it over, he set it down for a second and I jumped a couple aisles to grab it, great deal around $9.00 USD.
If you didn't see it first time around here is the thread that the photo was taken for. Radio Cassettes were the Smartphones of their day in the 1970s and a were a similar price in real terms. I wonder if the Student Teacher who got one for her 21st Birthday still has it. She is almost certainly retired by now.
Longman, you know I love those old mono-boxes, too bad about the distortion but you have to remember, they were still pretty loud against the other portable cassettes and transistor radios available at the time, we were just waiting for the "boom" to come out of these boxes.
My father's Hitachi trk-8200E "Bought" it from my dad by cleaning the attic from dust bunnies My dad got it in the 80's when he was in college.