Hey! I would need help to know what the problem with the sound that only comes from the other channel. There is little sound even from the other channel but very weak. After doing a good job with new centergera reparation it was a big disappointment with sthe sound problem. fi tried to clean the headphonfe jacks but to no use. You can although hear from both channels if You draw the the earphone contact out a little bit but I would love to hear what this depends on specielly when fI have had this problem on other walkmen and not been able to solve the problem.
If you pull the headphone jack out the distance of one ring you will hear one channel i.e mono, in both earpieces as they will be in series and the ground not contacting anything.
Hey Longman! Thanks for Yor answer. Very interesting. So whats the reason the stereo sound don´t work. IC?
Get a soldering iron, if you cant buy one go a makerspace and try resoldering the headphone socket. I doubt the capacitors go bad on these machines, although they were made for extreme sports environment, someone might have thought they were waterproof by seeing the gasket.
I have resoldered the headphone sockets but the problem still remain. Marion talked about a headphone IC when the sound is distordet. In my case the sound is not distorded but only coming from the left channel. Coyld it still be the ic that´s the problem? In that case I suppose it is teh TA7688F IC?
Hey man, I'm working on one of these WM-F5 Walkmans myself - my problem is a bit different, but could have a similar cause - I have very quiet audio on both channels, can't hear anything from the tape, can only very very faintly hear the radio when volume is at absolute max. I don't have a definite fix for you, but I certainly have something you might try: http://www.stereo2go.com/forums/threads/list-of-common-walkman-capacitors-2017.1246/ Yes, the post specifically states the walkmans that present these problems, and the F5 is not in the list. However, it is a deravitive of some of the devices listed, and it mentions abnormally low audio. I'm going to start by replacing the radial capacitors: 47uf 6.3v x5 22uf 6.3v x7 220uf 4v x3 100uf 6.3v x1 The service manual lists where the components are attached, and the post I linked will provide you with parts numbers for most of those. I use the British site "Mouser" to order my components; there may be a more local one for you that you should search on. I hope this is helpful to both of us - I have not tried it yet, but I will be soon. Let me know how it goes!
Thank You for Your answer. I´m still a Little bit confused since I Heard Maria say that he have worked with lot of DD,s without condensator problems?
Have you cleaned the volume pot? Sometimes it's just a very-very dirty volume pot. Or even a broken one. In my case, one of the internal wipers have broken off.
It's not clear on the schematic where the volume pot is - I can see on the unit itself that there's one right by the headphone jack - is this the one you're talking about?
Yeah, that one. The one that's connected to the volume knob. Yup. The volume pot is basically 2 potentiometers in one, one for the left channel, one for the right channel. If one of the them have a problem, it may result in a such a symptom (one channel not working/very faint)
Oh wait... Sorry, it appears that I have misinterpret the problem. So, only left channel sound on both the left & right part of the headphone?
Hmm... I don't see how that's possible other that an intentional jumpering of the live channel to the dead one. But perhaps someone with more electronics may elaborate on how that is possible? Or is this happening when you pull out the headphone jack a bit? If so, that is the expected outcome, as Longman have mentioned before.
So I've done a bit of investigation inside - I took it out of the case and plugged in the headphones, then played a tape. I think fiddling with one of the pots allowed me to hear the tape play, so at least I know I'm getting *some* audio from the tape - just very quiet. However, adjusting the actual volume knob didn't change the volume level at all! Could this be the same problem you were having?