Here's an interesting article, the only one I bought new was Nirvana, a couple good songs but the rest was kind of jibberish. Everyone says Nirvana killed heavy metal, I disagree to an extent, the big six heavy metal bands, Ratt, Def Leppard, Poison, etc put out horrible albums, one after another, they lacked the climbing the ladder grit of earlier work, too polished and produced, just enough for the more gritty grunge to kick them when they were down.
Interesting list. It's pretty amusing that the most desired one is Floral Shoppe. A tape release of (sort of the original) vaporwave of all things! Just shows how the internet and its phenomena (and memes) make some strange impacts.
I'm lost on that one, what's vaporwave? I'll have to do some critical listening to them (it), I have no idea who they are...
Vaporwave is a really strange form/genre of music... Let's call it experimental music which emerged as a satirical thing and isn't all too serious and about "a e s t h e t i c s" (see this wikipedia article for reference). Many artists use katakana (one of two forms of Japanese syllabies writing) in their song names and texts for no other reason than style. Most of the genre consists of sampling entire song segments, modifying them with effects like a phaser all while slowing them down/pitchshifting, cutting them into something new or just leaving them as a slower looping fragment. It's hard to describe, but I found some of it can actually sound interesting when not just scratching the boring surface but digging deeper and some artists really go a long way in sampling song segments into their brand new and own things, which is fairly interesting to hear. Whether the base song for the music is an 80s track, Japanese city pop or old video game music is all up to the artist, but those three categories are pretty much what is most often used as source material. Here's the popular song from the album that probably made it so desired on discogs in the following spoiler: Spoiler And another example from a different (rather known) artist: Spoiler I think to boil it down to bare essentials and ignoring the whole satire and meme part of it the entire goal of vaporwave is to create a nostalgic mood and be relaxing. That's about it.
I couldn’t get on with vapourware. Alot of the music is from library tracks from commercials in the 90s where an artist was commissioned to write a jingle and wrote a whole suite of music that was never used. So the sound is like those commercials, snipped up and repackaged into something new. I find the whole thing uncomfortable, like a DJ Shadow album but made by people who support Trump