Some one know this Problem with a DD9. The LEDs light up as soon as a battery is inserted. Thank you guys
At you know the DD9 is a complex unit. When the battery is first inserted you should hear the clicking sound to indicate the Walkman is powered and ready to engage the tape transport PLAY REV PLAY FF or REW. If you don't hear this sound and the LEDs are both on I suspect your belts are going to need replacing. Hopefully it's that simple. It usually is with other auto reverse Aiwa players when both LEDs but nothing happens.
He Silverera, thank you. I don't know, the sound starts immediately after inserting the a battery. I made a video.
OMG. It sounds normal until that grinding sound starts. With the LEDs both on. Generally you get the FWD play LED looking for a cassette presence if it doesn't detect the REV play LED comes on and if no tape is present it goes to stop mode. It sounds to me as though neither play mode can be selected. Have the belts been replaced?. They have 2 motors and a separate FWD and REV play capstan and drive belt. I can forward your video to my friend in Germany who has 4 DD9 and sold me one. He might know if it's a simple problem. Cheers B
Hi. Unfortunately he doesn't know what the problem is but asked you to try slowly closing the battery enclosure after inserting a new battery. He once had one that would only work if you followed this strange procedure?. I know, seems a long shot. B
That means the unit is unable to properly reset logic state due to mechanical issues. Other than belts the capstan tires go soft and stop proper capstan movement, check those first. Replace with mikohm's parts if needed. This is a high value unit, it might be worth it to send to an experienced tech.
Hello and sorry for my late reply. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time right now. Thank you for your tips and for forwarding the video to your friend. In fact, the Walkman behaves differently when you close the Bateriefach slowly. Very interesting. I made a video of it again. Now he behaves differently. I'll try to screw it up for the next few days. Does anyone know a good tutorial for the repair of a DD9. I found nothing on youtube. Thank you again Silverera.
Hello and thanks. Yes, I will look for the belts for the next few days and then order spare parts. I hope it is nothing complicated.
I think you will find it's the belts because the DD9 requires the full transport functions to work properly to determine its logic control state to select FWD or REV play modes. Really interesting that it behaved differently when you close the battery door slowly. I have a problem with mine now. Sometimes when it reverses it plays the same side of the tape backwards. I suspect this is because the head alignment is not switching the the reverse play position. Like all things DD9 it only happens on a 90 minute tape. A smaller tape like a C46 works fine? Best of luck. B
Thank you, I'll see what's going on in the device on the weekend. Let's see if I can get it to work again. Then I can also look how the DD9 plays my cassettes.
You will love it. This is what I'm listening to. The DD9 is and this incredible guitarist from AUS are a perfect match. Cheers B
The artist is Plini and the album Handmade cities. The bass is the GEQ settings. I find the second setting on the DD9 mega bass is the best for most situations.
I don’t think that is it, as you move the camera back and forth the sound was changing which would indicate you are moving nearer and away from the speakers. The heavy breakup / distortion were still there no matter where your phone / microphone is. If you like it with bass boot and Gab said it sounded great in post #14, go for it. For me I could not listen to that, Bass boost on any Sony Walkman is best left off as all it does is ruin the sound that may or may not be good in the first place.
A lot of this is due to trying to retro fit FLAC files via a PC DAC and take a line I to my V1.0 Walkman D6C. It does not end well. I have made a CD from the FLAC files and recorded from that into the D6C. It's way better.