Another new walkman project! We Are Rewind

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by stuck-in-time, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. stuck-in-time

    stuck-in-time Well-Known Member

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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    Their Instagram page has been around for a while, but just earlier this month they revealed their true intentions.

    Following the It's Ok, here's another one of those crowdfunding walkman projects. I'd say this looks rather nice with the boxy design. It also has got an internal li-ion battery and can record as well. They did say that this uses a readily available mechanism but also that it's made with high quality materials.
    SantiOriginal likes this.
  2. lupogtiboy

    lupogtiboy Well-Known Member

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    I like that, very 'Cloneman' in its design but simple and uncluttered. Wonder how much this will be should it get funding though, the words 'high-quality' usually go hand in hand with 'high prices'
  3. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    It's good that other options appear in the market, although I don't like the design so much. Sharp corners, extremely clean and boring (to me) design. It also seems very big, near a D6C.
    They say nothing about the frequency response, W&F or if it is stereo. Let's the remind you that the previous project was mono!

    BTW: I saw a lot of my photos in their instagram.
    Sly. likes this.
  4. Sly.

    Sly. Active Member

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    I have to side with @walkman archive there. While it's nice that something like that is being made, it seems a bit too "clinical" for my liking. I'm sure it will fill the gap for those who have been looking for a portable player with this design though. In other words: I hope they'll make an impact!

    Besides personal taste, my only true gripe with this is an integrated battery, a trend one could observe with smartphones over the years as well. Perhaps I'm thinking too much into long lifetime for modern days here, but have fun exchanging that battery once it's dead, that'll mean servicing and trying to find a suitable part. Not seeing any screws makes me skeptical there too. Having the option of using rechargable AA batteries or simple AA batteries might have been the (by far) better choice there.
  5. stuck-in-time

    stuck-in-time Well-Known Member

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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    I personally quite like the design, but I think it will do well with some more graphics and perhaps another shape for the window?

    As for the integrated battery, I'm also not really a fan of that. But I guess it's not that much of a problem for "short-term" use, i.e. not decades after... If we read the comments, they're being quite "secretive" about the whole thing, implying like there was a lot of development involved. Someone even asked about the heads used, and they said that they'll know in the coming months. So I do hope that there's some actually quality engineering involved, especially since they advertised it as a high quality product coming from guys who develop high-end stuff.

    Yeah, I noticed that too. They cropped out your logo as well... Not very nice of them
    Sly. likes this.
  6. Sly.

    Sly. Active Member

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    Yeah, true. I didn't even scroll down that far to notice this. Just looked at their product posts, but you got a point. They should have at least linked to the source and your page...
    I guess in these times with instagram and an obsession about getting attention people don't think about that anymore and I seem to come across this "what's on the internet is free to use/claim for oneself anyway" mentality more and more. :scratch2

    This thread gave me a silly idea, perhaps I'll post another thread one of these days, though not sure who else would participate practically in it... :D
  7. nickelindimer

    nickelindimer Active Member

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    It looks rather "objéct-de-arte" in it's appearance... which seems rather fitting, since the banking home-page is in French. And speaking of French, being a retired auto mechanic--who's seen his share of Renault-sourced Chrysler stuff--I suspect the quality of the electronics involved, as everything electrical I've seen from France tends to be "dodgy".

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