I've got a couple ideas whom they are, but this is a beautiful website if you haven't seen it. The photographs and equipment are super cool. Mostly personal cassette players but there's a few boxes, a lot of oddball colors. https://www.just-cassette.com/
They're very active on Instagram! I followed their account for daily updates of beautiful gear. Yes, the collection is definitely top notch and all in excellent condition. App captured in very high quality photos. I think the Instagram is much more active than the website and it definitely shows the huge extent of the collection. I have struck a few short conversations with them some time ago, and if I'm not mistaken they said that they weren't on here.
Agreed that this web site has so many neat items displayed ..... Just stumbled upon something that has me smiling I gotta find one of these cassette hand winders !!! Cheers, Bleusy ************
That winder is sooo cool, I'd love to find one of those. It's too bad they're not on here, I always marvel at the underground collectors with amazing equipment, at least we can check out the cool stuff.
Japanese products, and the firm does all different kinds of supplemental audio gear, cassette tapes also. Sleuthing around to determine where the hand winder can be purchased. Anyone have leads? UK, East Asian Countries?? Nagaoka Cassette https://picclick.co.uk/Sound-Vision/Vintage-Sound-Vision/Cassette-Players/ https://picclick.co.uk/Nagaoka-PC-507-Tape-Splicing-Kit-Real-Cassette-232880396508.html Merci Bleusy ************
I didn't know that web. He/she has a lot of stuff there indeed. Good photos. However, there are two things that I don't like: one is that there's no text at all. He has dozens of pages with hundreds of photos but did not write a line, which always leave me a sensation of emptiness. I prefer to write at least a few lines with comments and add the photos. The other thing that makes me think is that the quality of the photos is strange: the lighning is ok (though a bit boring to my taste), the composition is ok, the crop as well, but the image quality looks like if it were 100% crops of and original JPEG, mid quality image, with noise, compression artifacts and sharpenss artifacts. It's very weird, I've never seen anything like that. Take this, for example: If you look closely you'll see many artifacts. These are very similar to those seen in 100% crops of many digital cameras. My suspicion is that he is shooting with his phone's wide-angle lens and then cropping to make them look as if it were a telephoto, instead of buying a real camera with a small tele lens... who knows? Just my thoughts.
Try checking instagram as well at https://instagram.com/justcassette While not long articles, some posts there do have more descriptive captions. They're very responsive in the comments section as well,
I see that it write something there, but still just a few words. Anyway, his collection is quite wide. Excellent work.
I just had a look at the Instagram pages. Whoever it is, is in California Just-Cassette+ Vintage audio equipment collector from California USA He/she has separate web sites for MD and CD For MiniDisc players, recorders, albums gallery, manuals and reviews please visit: https://www.just-md.com For Discman, CD players gallery, manuals and reviews please visit: https://www.just-cd.com I was surprised how many of the Instagram entries are actually videos like a short demonstration film. That could explain Hugo's comments on the photos especially compression artifacts. Maybe they are frames from a video. Compared to a point and shoot photo a significant amount of work has gone into each one. Some of the earlier ones have far more text e.g https://www.just-cassette.com/post/sony-cf-580-boombox The author "CK" gets my seal of approval for comparing the price of the unit with the average monthly wage. These boomboxes were the MacBook Pros of their day in terms of price.
About ten scrolls down. It didn't take me long. however don't click off the page or you will end up back at the top.
I have been following him/her for a couple months on Instagram. Generally interesting video posts of unusual equipment. Very responsive and generous in his/her support of your posts on Instagram too. He/she is not on S2G. I asked
Yep. He responds to my posts and seems like a genuinely enthusiastic collector. I assume it's a he from his tastes in music etc. Identity is a mystery still and you have to respect that obviously. B
I've had a few chats which he genuinely likes to do with other enthusiasts. He said he gets many requests for help or advice. I can believe it as he has quite a lot of Insta followers. I know he lives in California but wants to remain anonymous. Certainly seems very willing to chat and share knowledge and comes across as friendly and helpful.