Hi all! I stumbled across this site when looking for info. I own a Tiffany's Walkman limited edition and I have two questions for you guys: 1) IF and only IF I decide to sell it, where is the best place to do this? And how much do you guys think I can ask for it? I really have no idea and I don't want to put it on Ebay and get ripped off. 2) There is a bit of corrosion in the battery compartment. How do I best get rid of it? And where do I find a new battery for it? I actually don't know if the walkman still works. The old battery is dead and leaked. Thanks for the help!!! Robin
Hi Robin The best persons to advise you on this unit are Kent and BoDokhan members of this site.Kent recently negotiated buying one from a person also on this site and you should be able to see the discussion about it if you were to become a member Depending on condition ,it is a valuable item because of its scarcity value in its presentation box with all its accessories. You are probablybest to sell it either on this site or through `E-Bay with,if you wished,a reserve price so it does not sell for peanuts .`You could .if you wished ,then `start it off at offers only and let the market find its value and as long as you fix a reserve ,there should be no downside or loss if it fails to reach your reserve. If you were to sell through this site. You would need to be amember and agree a fixed price with someone or invite offers and take the best offer stating again a reserve, if you wish. These are only my thoughts and I am sure other members may have other suggestions. Some pictures of the unit would be needed. As for the corrosion using isopropyl alcohol with a cotton on a cotton bud but ,in view if its possible value ,it may be better to have the unit serviced professionally before sale.
Unfortunately the corrosion might severely affect the value of this rare unit. These seem to be the top of the ladder value-wise but they only had maybe 200 total made. I'd put it in the for sale section, with or without a price, there's some collectors that may see it and want to discuss specifics. Ebay will open up to a bigger audience but I see a lot of high dollar audio getting relisted after selling for silly money. I'm not sure which side is committing the fraud but it seems more common these days. The one that really scares me is the guy that buys it, takes out some unobtanium, and sends back the unit as non-working (because he took parts out). We'd love to hear the backstory, it's understandable if you don't want to say anything, but our understanding is these were given to musicians and exectives as a thank-you.
...if it‘s a real „T“ ebay isn‘t the right place, in that case he would have to look for a proper technical orientated auction-house