Mini-disc player.

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by Derek marshall, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    Hi everyone. Back in 2000 I bought the mz-e900 mini-disc player. Then in 2002 I was really tempted to buy the mz-e10 because it was the anniversary edition but what put me off was the internal battery and no sidecar option. I hate internal batteries of any kind. I'm now so glad I didn't buy it now because of the battery issue. The e-900 has been to Macau/ China with me where I lived for several years (very hot, humid conditions) and has/is still working perfectly. When I bought my mini-disc units I never once used the rechargeable batteries instead I always used the AA sidecar. Then as mentioned in a previous post I thought of giving them a go. I charged them up in the Sony BC-9HP2 charger that came with the e-900 and I'm now getting up to 11 hours of playback from them. I rotate the internals with my other units then finally insert them into the e-900 which seems to completely discharge them before placing them in the charger itself. Not bad for batteries which are 19 plus years old that had never been used. Anyone else with a similar story?
    Sly. and Mister X like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    That's pretty amazing, I never get lucky like that although I do have a few players I need to clean up, one has the gumstick batteries still with it, I'll have to charge it up.

    Back then they were selling the batteries to be part of your electronics ecosystem, I guess they hoped you'd also buy a camcorder, Walkman, camera and other small equipment that could all use one battery, from the same manufacturer. While it fizzled out, the tool guys took the ball and ran with it.
  3. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    Hi Mr X. When I first tried charging them up the red light on the charger only stayed on for 10 minutes. Took the battery out and waited 5 minutes then reinserted the battery. Slowly over time the charger stays on for longer. Now turns off after just over an hour. So I just want to say to people dont give up on them straight away. Maybe it's this particular charger I dont know. Love reading your articles.
    Mister X likes this.
  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I've got a JVC charging station that also runs into the player (at 1.5v) so you can run it off of an outlet. The charger takes 9v but I'm not getting a light on the "CHARGE" indicator or power on the unit, it could be my universal wall wart jack is the wrong one, I'll have to play around with it some more.

    I'm glad you like the articles, there's a ton of information available now that wasn't out there when the forum started. We'd hear stories of far off members finding "grails" every week, we never had much information about all of those high end units over here and back then you couldn't post as many photos due to storage constraints.
  5. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    The mz-e900 can also run off the mains. 1.5 volt that plugs into the AA sidecar but because the unit runs for so long using a single battery I never bought one. How the engineers managed to fit all the mechanisms into such a tiny unit beggars belief. Keep all the articles coming. I'm sure every member appreciates them.
    Mister X likes this.
  6. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    No main power, it's either the charger/transformer unit or the switchable male plugs I use on the wall wart (or the player). Will it run on mains without a battery inserted? Mine takes both a AAA and gumstick, very odd unless you have the option to use either.
  7. nickelindimer

    nickelindimer Active Member

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    When I laid my hands on a MZ-R55, the first thing I noticed was the sidecar capability... then the rotten gumstick battery. Lacking the former, along with any factory AC-adaptor, I looked into replacing the gumstick before turning my attention to fabrication of a external battery pack.

    And what a pack it was!: A 2-cell D-type battery holder that I crudely soldered a bayonet plug & leads to, then attached to the player with light-duty double-sided velcro. Once the gumstick came in the mail, I slipped it in and never looked back.

    The D-cells lasted so long, I never changed them! Even after sitting several years they still powered the unit okay. As for the gumstick: I really can't say... but I never used another model that employed them again--opting instead for anything that used a single "AA" inside, instead.
    Jorge and Mister X like this.
  8. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    That was quite a solution. When I bought my units I always made sure powering the units would not be a problem- thinking ahead as they say. I have the 55 but knowing how power hungry this unit is I would never try the supplied gumstick in it. I only use it at home with the AC adaptor. Even AA's dont last long with this unit. Does make some good recordings though.
  9. Silverera

    Silverera Active Member

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    Also have a couple of MZ-R55's and posted here a couple of months ago my own battery journey. Basically in designing a small footprint device Sony ignored the fact that a gumstick battery was not going power this device for long and certainly never anywhere near the amount of time these batteries are good in your cassette Walkman. Having tried all sorts of discharge/recharge procedures and trying 6 different brands of "new" gumstick batteries I am convinced that if you get 4 hours out of a gumstick and it continues to recharge and power the MZ-R55 you have a rarity. I have one Sony Gumstick battery made in China and its the only one that I can rely on to run the MZ-R55 at the gym. None of the Japanese gumsticks will even start the MZ-R55 although all happily run my EX677 for 20+ hours. I bet you have had the same experience. Put on the headphones, press play, it runs for 2 minutes and.....up comes the "Low Batt" display. Another journey without your music follows. Having that AA battery caddy is essential even though bulky if you are at gym or out for a run or ride.
    So the MZ-R55 is very appealing due to its rich features and small size but underpowered. It is interesting that Sony designed the DD9 and WX1 wireless Walkman to use either gumstick or AA and AAA batteries but did not want compromise the size of the MZ-R55 by adding that bulging battery compartment. Probably a single AA wasnt going to run the MZ-R55 anyway in Playback let alone Record mode. Having said that I love my MZ-R55's. Just wish the Minidisc could record more than 80 minutes of music. The sound is excellent though.
  10. Derek marshall

    Derek marshall Well-Known Member

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    Hi Silverera. Totally agree with your comments. The R-55 was the very first player I bought and I really love it. As you say the battery life is dismal so have never taken it out of the house. At home and for recording I use the AC adaptor and it's always been one of my favourites. I believe it was the first player to use the WH14 gumstick. The recordings I have done on the 55 have been marvellous.
  11. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    Sony EBP-500 Battery Pack is still available for next to nothing on eBay, just search for: SONY EBP-500 :)

    correct DC tips can be resoldered, the case itself is easily rewired for 1.5V use.

    Sly. likes this.
  12. Sly.

    Sly. Active Member

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    Interesting thread! Didn't know those gumstick batteries could last so long. Maybe I will be dare to look at devices with them after all. So far I ignored Walkmans which relied on those.

    @Jorge thanks for sharing this, you won't believe how useful your post is to me! It might be just what I have been looking for and it even seems to have a belt clip. Most convenient!
    So if I'm not mistaken according to the internet and photos the output is 3V, so it should (in theory) be compatible with my MD Walkmans and even my WMD-DT1 DAT Walkman! Unless the connector size is different than in most models for whatever reasons. Seems to be the default one though, from pictures at least.
    It could actually be the perfect tool to delay or avert the battery hatch issue of a WMD-DT1. :biggrin:
    Jorge likes this.
  13. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    I do not know if it is true for mini-disc players and Walkmans, but I noticed that 1st generation Discmans (the only one worth having) sound better off the batteries than 9V power supplies. Even $50 iFi power supplies! That is why @nickelindimer post started my search for external battery holders. Most 1st Gen. Discmans accept EBP-380 battery cases:

    But these are hard to find, pricey, plus have one major drawback: they are always connected to the Discman which draws ~50mAmps in Standby mode, so after two weeks of being in the drawer you have eight dead batteries:(
    External batt packs like EBP-500 would be easy to unplug when not in use. I bought a few AA holders and DC connectors from our comrads in China, will post my efforts once they get here :)
    Mister X likes this.
  14. Silverera

    Silverera Active Member

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    Hey Jorge. I am looking for a first gen Discman. Some I have given up on at $350 but wondered if there are any reasonably priced ones in the range and support the Discman remote earphone integrated control.
  15. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    If you are asking about this kind of h/p jack with remote option, then you limit yourself to D-99 and D-350 Discmans.

    D-350 are pricey and Not very reliable, with unobtanium motors and lasers. But D-99 are built like a tank, new motors still available and KSS220A lasers can be scavenged from later Discmans sold for under $20 :)
    D-99 was the first Discman with 1-bit DAC, but unlike later 1-bit Discmans it sounds almost as good as its twin-brother D-90.
  16. Silverera

    Silverera Active Member

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    Thanks that is great advice and others have recommended the D99 also which I believe will take 4 AA batteries too. The D350 seems to fetch huge prices given it's lack of spare parts situation. It sounds like the D99 is the model I need to look for. I already have the Discman remote which I purchased separately and believe it may have originally been shipped with a D350 becuase the headphones sound as good as my MDR-E747 buds.
  17. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    @Silverera if you have IR remote set, or RM-DM2 remote like the one I got here (controlling D-90), then you do not have to limit yourself to D-99/D-350.

    Any Discman with a Remote jack on the Left side will work, my Sony D-150 is below:
  18. Silverera

    Silverera Active Member

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    Of course. That's a more elegant solution.
    Allows you to use your best over the ears headphones and the remote in separate connections. I might purchase a D150 now. Assume the remote DM-2 is not supplied in the kit that comes with the D150?. Separate purchase item?
  19. Silverera

    Silverera Active Member

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    In discussion with a local collector with a D150 for sale. He's agreed to do some additional testing for me and report back. If all goes to plan I will be clearing space in the display cabinet for a D150 later today :)
    Jorge likes this.
  20. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    D-15 is a Great choice!!! I just Love its clam-shell protective case,... if your seller does not have it then consider D-25/D-250: same looks but slightly better sound. Actually, D-250 has about the Best sound you can get from a Discman! As good as The King, D-555 with "bells'n'whistles" turned off (and they should be turned off if you care about SQ!)
    Right now I (finally!!!) have the best-sounding Discman EVER: Denon DCP-100 and in the process of rejuvenating/re-capping with legendary Rubycon Black Gate caps Sony D-250... cannot wait to put them for a listening duel... ;)

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