Hello Shane, finding the exact replacement might take awhile, Ebay is your best source unless someone on the forum has a spare. I'd also check Amazon and any other internet sites. The eletronic stores used to have a large selection but you don't see new equipment with antennas like you used to. For now you should be able to find one that fits and almost looks right but may not look 100% perfect when sitting in the stored position. https://www.amazon.com/slp/boombox-antenna/y8jx27cx24es6hg https://www.google.com/search?q=rep...VWM0KHaJODXUQ_AUoAnoECA0QBA&biw=1920&bih=1006
Thank you for your kind assistance, I shall maybe have to change both to at least have a matching pair...
They are virtually identical and will fit, I’m after two if possible... Are you able to assist and if so how much do you want for them? Thanks