Well it started with my REM cassettes. Monster and Out of time have some semi deleted parts now. You can hear some voice but its really low and unstable. These lost parts are usually 10-30 sec long. I tought the cassettes were faulty but han it happened with my Red Hot Chili Peppers cassette. It was sounding fine for a long time but today I noticed the same thing, some audio were lost about 10 secs. Why this is happening . Are all of my cassettes will get deleted like this. Is it about my walkman or is it natural to have some loss in audio after listening a certain amount of time. This deleting issue is getting my nerves now, of course I can record the same songs on them but its is only a temporary solution, If this continues I am going to sell all of my gear and tapes and quit the hobby so help pls. I get too attacted to my items so its pretty sad for me.
Do you have other units that you can use to test the cassettes and see if it goes silent at the same points with different players?
Two things spring to mind. A storage problem. Are you leaving the tapes on top of a speaker, next to a phone etc. These all contain magnets that could erase part of a tape. A problem with some equipment you are using the tapes in. I quickly learnt not to use cue and review on my Sony CFS-$%L as that caused permanent drop outs, although less than a second long.
I used another walkman and the problem was same. I store them fine so I dont get it. Can a walkman damage tapes.
Well I store them the same way I store them before. This problem started with this walkman so It must because of it. But since the walkman operates just fine I am out of ideas. Guess I will just wait to see if this problem spreads or not.
Since this is a Walkman with Recording function, it must have an eraze-head. If it misbehaves, then Erase may turn itself On erratically thus erasing cassettes. This was mentioned at Boomboxery for some bboxes. Desolder eraze head to check. What is the model of your Walkman? Might be easier to neutralize erase-rec function thru the mainboard
It may be that it has a magnet instead of the erasing head ... if the mechanism that inserts it does not work well it can ruin the tapes
Its WM-GX652. There is no magnet inside. BTW the head is connected with a ribbon wire so I dont think it will be easy to just remove the writing ability. But I did close the contact to the micro swithes at the back so it coudnt record. But it still happened
these are the post I opened about this walkman https://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/how-to-record-with-walkman-wm-gx652.5469/#post-40726 The recording wasnt working when I first got it. It started to work after I relocaded the microswithes pins. But the tape deleting problem were still there even the machine coudnt record https://stereo2go.com/forums/threads/sony-wm-gx652-weird-button-problems.5450/#post-40557 This button problem was related to hold button and doesnt happen anymore.
Three possible scenarios: (1) the tapes are deteriorating independently; (2) the tapes are OK and the Walkman is having a simple playback problem - but I think you eliminated this already; (3) the Walkman is corrupting the tapes. I suggest a test with a brand new tape (or at least an old one without any faults) that you are happy to sacrifice. Maybe make one. But, don't use the Walkman to make it or to listen to it. Next, play the tape through another machine, more than once if you must, to make sure you are satisfied that the tape is OK. Now, play it through the Walkman (and nothing else) and keep doing that until you hear faults (in which case you can be pretty sure it's the Walkman - but play the tape in another machine to be sure they are really corrupted) or until you think you have done it often enough (like, 20 times?) to be satisfied that the Walkman is not corrupting the tapes. If the outcome is that the Walkman is the problem, then you have to make a choice about whether you really need a problem like that in your life - it sounds like the rec head is activating and this may be independent of the micro-switches, such a problem may be quite hard to fix and the machine might be better as a static display. But, after all the testing, if the Walkman seems OK, then we haven't made much progress, sorry.
So I went out into the shop, I pulled a car work on so space is a little tight. I had a stack of tapes to listen to on a system I'd pulled off the shelf and they sounded great a few days ago. I popped in one of the tapes again tonight and it sounded like what your describing, I had left the tapes on top of my little Polk Speakers I use for testing. I'm usually really careful and like to put things back when I'm done but I might have messed up this time, maybe the speaker magnets erased a section of the tape?
I dont have a speaker system in my room but I tested the vacuum cleaner by puting a trash tape next to it while its working but it didnt erase it. But I changed the location of the tapes to be safe. I will test further to find the source of this.
I sometimes forget the unwritten rules with tapes, especially when my work area gets cramped, TVs, speakers, heat, etc.....
The problem is in the walkman afterall. It seems to glitch and delete the tapes withouth using the record function. I was listening to a test tape over and over and today boom 20 seconds of slience. And when it hits slienced part it makes a loud noise (loud enough to scare you) than automaticly rewinds the tape to first point. Since this is a digital walkman and it has no visible damage inside I cannot do anything. I guess I will record back the deleted tapes than sell this monster. After spending to much time and money, this hit me hard.
MissionTroll if you do sell it. You need to make the fault known, else it would not be fair to the buyer.
Hi which walkman should I get if I sell this one. I want something under 50 dolars. I can use soldering iron and I have belts so I can fix normal issues. BTW 50 dolars might not seem much but with current currency Its actually fair amount for a tape player. For comparison someone is selling a perfect walkman DD for 135 dolars which is the most expensive walkman on the selling site :/
Sorry i would not know what to recommend, as you can see what i use in my signature below. The minimum i would recommend is a DD33 but they go for more than that, i am pretty sure i have given away all my DD33 else i could have sent you one.