Bought 2 machines yesterday, a Sharp VZ2500 (a model everybody talks about) and a XINGQIU XQ912b, a model nobody talks about, in fact i could find no info on the web at all. Will share photos from the VZ2500 later but thought it would be nice to introduce the XINGQIU to the world first. Found the machine in an online add with a blurry picture and priced for 12,50 euro (14 dollars). Contacted the seller and the deal was done quickly. He bought it a few years back in a 2nd hand store so no idea how this strange machine ended up in a small Dutch village near the German border. Because the picture was bad i could not see the details, only that it was a disco lite model and that is was big. The discription stated that it needed some work . I haven't looked inside this wierd creature but here are some pictures and extra info. If anybody has more info on this XQ-912B model, please share. 90 cm long, 30 cm high, 20 cm deep (35 inch / 12 inch / 8 inch), twin cassette, 6 speakers, karaoke, disco ball and disco lite. Weight: 9 kilo (20 lbs) Karaoke computer score. The display starts flashing when the cassette plays. No idea how it works The 'sound control light guide flash system' When pressing on the 'lamp' button the discoball is starting to spin. Colours change from red, to yellow to green. It's party time Look, it's a 'karaoke reverberator'. Tested it for a minute and heard some echo.
How can you not love a disco ball? Interesting find, early Chinese Boomboxes are pretty rare and some have some pretty wild details. It looks like 220 volts but I don't see a cord or jack.
Thanks, and btw: it's only 1 disco ball with 3 mirrors that reflect the one ball. I was misled by Chinese design
Yeah, that's the model that pops up on the www when you search for Xingqiu XQ boomboxes. Model-912b was new for me. Correct me if i'm wrong but i think that the Xingqiu XQ karaoke function on both the 588A and the 912-B don't appear on the Megamax and General Sound. Those vids are great btw.
Another detailed picture with name tag of the 912-b (sorry for the incorrect info in the header of the original post). The disco lite speaker is called 'shiny speaker' . And ofcourse: no qualifier, do not open the back cover'
I can only guess: something like 'when you sing through the mic in sync with the music the score goes up'. Because i think that the 558a has the same functionality, hopefully someone can explain more. Not only about the concept but also if it truely works or that it's only a gimmick.
Of course! And just to be sure: its a 912b (not 91b, my mistake in the header of the first post). Bucket list: have one of my ghettoblasters shown on Wikiboombox: CHECK