...ok, here you go: the UHER Report 4400 Monitor is a half-track stereo unit with 13cm reels (5.1 inch), made roundabout 1990. equipped with three heads it features basically the well known mechanics from the early sixtiesit's. the powersupply fits in the battery-compartement. those units were a semi-pro alternative field-recorder for many, many journalists mainly in Europe. one of the last units made by UHER Munich in a time when the company was allready set to fail and the name was more and more just used on cheap junk. not in the league with Stellavox or Nagra (only have a Nagra III to compair) but definitively in a higher league than the most wanted but in my eyes extremely over-rated Sony TC-510...
I was thinking that was a big ole cassette field recorder like my Technics RS-646D but wow, check out the reels! Thanks for posting that thing is beautiful and check out the screws on the side, they almost all have the same orientation, one must be loose. It looks like it was made to be highly serviceable and the belt is the size of a small tire. How long does a 5.1" play and are the sonics up there with most stereo reel to reels?
thx for pointing out the loose screw, i was lucky the thingy hasn‘t fallen apart yet nah, you‘re right, it‘s tough and solid built like the beautyful (and quite rare) CR160 you have. soundquality is perfect, when you see the heads, you know why (pics to follow). i played recordings in 9.5 (my 4400 got issues on 19cm/s) speed on my future ex-ReVoX A77 and i‘m unable to tell a difference to original stereo recordings made on that one. now this is another virus: copoortr (collecting portable open reel tape recorder) - higly infectious
copoortr.....I believe it, open reels always meant "quality" to me. I didn't know the CR160 was rare, they pop up on Ebay every once in a while but you have to keep your eyes open. Can you start an portable open reel/field recorder MEGA thread? I'd contribute my stuff, I sometimes feel like I've got too many threads going and don't know which ones to add to. My math is off right now, can you convert cm to minutes on a 5.1" diameter tape?
The case is so thin I can't think that it is anything other than a laptop. I still have, but am thinking of selling an old Dell P133 which cost about £4000 new. That was without the upgraded Hard Drive and Memory which mine has ! Not surprisingly I didn't get it new.
it's a Mohawk Midgetape late 50'ies/early 60'ies spy- cassette- recorder, hidden in a slim case - the microphone is hidden in the lock. haven't tried it yet, looks minty, makes me feel a bit like somebody in a John-le-Careé - story...
Amazing, the stories it has hidden forever. My Olympus with the add-ons has the mic with sucker for sticking on sides of phones to record calls in the old days. It was illegal here unless the other side knew they were being taped but people used to go crazy mad if they knew you were recording their voice without knowledge.