Hello Everyone, here is a little about my back ground I ran and repair and shop where did Sales and service along with Warranty work on most of your top brands. The Shop was started in the 1940s and I took the shop over in the 1980s and have ran the business from my home for the past 10 years and it went from being my main job to side business since I teach in public school full time and collect and restore radios and tv's and various Audio gear for myself and customers . One the major brands that really have enjoyed restoring and collection is Sony and I have tons of Sony audio and video. I have original Sony service manuals since did repairs and warranty work on their gear I currently am working on a couple of Sony model WM-1 Walkman from 1981. I work on both solid state and tube gear. Sincerely Rich
Welcome to Stereo2Go Rich. Interesting (and probably more so for members in the USA) to hear about the repair work. A far more common introduction we get is "I just found my old Walkman / Boombox / Nakamichi Tape Deck which I bought in 198X and last used in 199X and it doesn't work any longer. Where can I get it fixed ?" OK I joke about people not using a Nakamichi since 199X but there is a thread going about where to get them serviced. I suppose you went over to teaching due to todays throw-away society. I know someone (now retired) who made decent money in the 1990s fixing TVs and Audio gear from his garage. I often sent him customers, telling them that he seemed to charge £80 irrespective of the repair. A bargain for a colleague when the amp had blown in her out of warrantee £250 Aiwa Midi Hi-Fi, the place she bought it had kept it for over a month without diagnosing it, and he had it fixed within 3 days. In the late 1970s at college the classroom next to our electronics lab was where they taught TV repair. I doubt if any college teaches that these days. A different colleague started helping at a school Technology Club when he retired and said there were kids who didn't know which way to turn a screwdriver.
Welcome aboard Rich, why do all of you buggers live in the usa lol,,,,i have 2 pioneer amplifiers that need a total recap and no where to take them, i had an engineer but he stole 2 of my radios and that was that, it's a shame as he was a nice guy and i had the speakers so the radios are no use to him, such is life, nice one
Yes indeed it was sad I miss having the shop running full time being my own boss and the business has a long history and where grew up it was one the largest repair business having like 3 to 4 stores with a fleet of repair trucks the heydays of the business was like in the 50s and 60s lots of TV repair . funny you talk about Nakamichi I own two of their decks but have not used them in years my go to Deck was my Teac what great deck. As a teacher I teach What they call STEM Where I teach robotics using the Lego mindstorm educational kit. and Coding like JAVA script and HTML. But my favorite I taught the last 3 years was Beginning Woodworking . Sincerely Rich P.S. Radio Raheem I feel for you that to bad that person took advantage of you and yes to bad about being so far away when had my shop I was otherized Pioneer Warranty shop and work on my Pioneer home and car audio and their TV's All of my Home CD and DVD players are Pioneer and so is my car audio .
Welcome radiorich, your skills and knowledge are a welcome addition! It sounds like we have parallel hobbies, I love audio, do some basic repairs but I spend a lot of time doing wood-working out in the shop, mostly in the winter time, after my back-breaking day job slows down for the season. Right now I'm building kitchen cabinets and can't wait for the giant firepit this winter burning the old ones. Even though the forum is focused on portables, feel free to post any of your stuff we love all of it especially the vintage stuff.