Hello TapeyFreakies found a Normende Stereo Clipper 3210...made august 1981... all discrete ... have a butchers!
heres a selection for your listenin pleasure... the test team and headphones i chose to enjoy the test team... and of course the brass tacks! lovely huh? needed a clean.. faders were crackly.. but on the whole this chunky assed pokkit stretcher is a classy girl. i think im in love
That is an amusing name that doesn't sound right in english. The very first Sony transistor radio was literally a pocket stretcher, so Sony had shirts with slightly larger pockets specially made for their salesmen.
sir, the unit is called "STEREO CLIPPER", i think edchocolate calls it POKKIT STRETCHER because of the size...
My mistake. After seeing names like "City Bummler" (which sounds like something from TV series "It's a Sin" I didn't check.
took her out for a spin on me Senneheiser HD25’s... kin L! Norma has a pair of lungs on her! Best sound ever!
now... Norma loves to boogie... so.. im paying for transistor and capacitor implants. Get her booked in to the tech surgery next moon after the honeymoon. Let you fabulous tapeyFreaks enjoy the photos when we back. Thankyou lovely TapeFreaks everywhere for showing us that life is worth taping
I love the big chunky buttons, not many stereo units went that direction. Nothing like some Cult to get your ears ringing, they've come through town several times and put on some great shows.
Mister X.. soo tru... Southern Death Cult when i caught them first... then Death Cult .. then Cult... then The Doors... whodaguessed? Gad knows whut poor Billy thought of this ...
er... for your files .. heres the service dox .. and the datasheets of the two ic’s. Uses another Sanyo pre for the heads but a pair of nice linear 1.2W power amp ic’s for ya output. Proper transitor oscillator to keep that motor in check. RCA rule book correct caps resistors and diodes throughout. Weighing in at 0.5kg (1.1LBs in old munnee) they werent joking huh! Even the wire gauge was no compromise. Its a playback device... it doesnt do card tricks or juggle dobllee daggers... it does one thing and one thing alone. They set out with that task in mind and completed the job in exemplory fashion. August 1981... March 2021 thats 40yrs of anyones callendar. Norma is still ready to deliver, still setting a standard. I kno... im a man in love.. but she’s the one. If you could see her thru my ears ...
ha ha has amazing how and small the world ... I also have a brick ... thank you for the service manual ... although this is fully functional