Let me rephrase it, there is a difference between music already being played at a venue where one enters voluntarily and music (which to some may not be even considered music) introduced to a previously quiet place where people have been enjoying the silence. Of course he has this right. There are rules different from country to country and from community to community, but generally, time from 11pm to 6am should be quiet. In some places it is from 10pm to 7am. Excessive noise at other time is subject to discretionary response. For example, many communities frown upon construction work on weekend. "Apartment life" is not about doing whatever one wants, but to mind other people around. It is communal life.
"Communal life" also means you need to compromise with others who might make more noise than you. A bookworm who never makes any noise, never even watches the TV or has any friends over, is an extreme outlier in today's society. Therefore it would be unrealistic and unfair for him to demand his neighbors to be as quiet as he is. He should buy his own home instead of trying to force his lifestyle upon others.
Never said anything about night versus day. But, now that you've mentioned it, I guess you agree with me that during the daytime, anything goes, right? Also there are no measurable standards (in decibels) to determine if a tenant is "too loud". What is too loud to one person might be acceptable to another. In many apartments, you can easily hear someone having sex, even if the woman does not squeal. Is that their fault? No, it's the fault of the shitty landlord who was too cheap to install proper sound deadening materials. Should tenants be forced to abstain from having sex just because some old bookworm might be "bothered" by hearing a bed creak? LOL I don't think so.
...my neighbors for example complain about my loud moaning when i have sex in the morning - they don't know that I'm just putting on my socks. and that‘s necessary, nothing to complain about but me
To me a ghettoblaster is something like an m90 and a boombox is a 3 piece simples lol those others were just called mono cassette recorders when we were kids
We had this topic many many moons ago auto and that was the result most agreed on lad, i have been to a real ghetto in africa and it''s nothing like what is depicted here but i could just imagine them with there ghettoblasters bro
Well yeah, because an M90 can actually be heard in a ghetto, while most 3-pieces can't. "Ghettoblaster" should be something that can actually blast. The vast majority of 3-pieces can't, they're not made for outdoor sound projection, and they're awkward to carry anyway.
So this one is "stereo radio cassette recorder" (found it on eBay for $40 including shipping, unused, but so basic... I would like to find a small boombox with Dolby). Have anyone actually used the recording function on these things? while the small Sony I have is just a "cassette-corder". I think Philips/Magnavox also used "cassette-corder" for small cassette tape recorders.
Here is the only small unit i would consider from sony the cfd k10, had a few of these and they have a great build quality and the sound is also good https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SONY-CFD...894709?hash=item1f0d5892b5:g:uHUAAOSwOoVedwBj features dolby logic controlled deck auto reverse and cd remote control
I read first page, second i got boring. Boombox of getoblaster is a product marketed to specific peoples. So it is: Cassette player Radio Portable (battery powered) Good looking As loud as posible As big as posible So that little aiwa call a boombox is same as 49cc moped call motorcycle. maybe i will agree cal them "little brother", but not a real thing.
You got boring? Figures. Just in case, I want to clarify that the idea of the thread was finding out all the different names to cassette recorders and possibly to associate specific names with specific types of machines. It is NOT the purpose of the original message to decide whether a certain machine can be called a boombox or a ghetto blaster.
@CDV i got bored by reading diskusion about what is called boombox, but not mentioning something like portability, that in mind i can old car stereo call boombox. ;D
I like the Motorbike comparison as it illustrates the point well. However, on that point it is amusing is that for years, in the UK you could take your Motorbike test on a 70cc Honda step through, and then immediately move up to a 1300cc Harley Davidson.
Here across the pond, not only is there no tiered licensing, but in most states you don't even need to take a riding test. Just a written test.
"Cassette-corder" is just a marketing name used by a couple manufacturers. It's not an industry-wide accepted term. Other examples I've seen include Astrocorder, Citicorder, Transcorder, Globecorder, etc. They simply felt the word "corder" sounded cool. The one in your photo is what we call a "mini" boombox. In fact it's even smaller than most minis. It's generally accepted that a boombox must have a tape deck, because that launched the revolution of being able to record raps on the street. Being stereo is a bonus but not necessary. If it's only mono, we just call it a mono boombox. A ghettoblaster is a boombox that is bigger and flashier than average. However in Germany and Russia they call nearly every boombox a ghettoblaster.
In Russia a fit-it-all name for tape recorder/player is "магнитофон" from the German Magnetophon. It was used both professionally and in everyday use. There are a bunch of colloquial names from a shortened "маг" ("mag") to somewhat derogatory "balalaika", but no one called them ghetto blasters. Some do call them "boombox" nowadays retroactively, but back in 1980s-1990s they did not use the "boombox" term. Everything was a "магнитофон" except a personal stereo/walkman, which was a "cassette player" or just a "player".
магнитофон was reel to reel too, магнитофон traslates to somerhing like " magnetic tape player" And boombox in rusia was just marketing sticker, they knew it, but didnt realy cared call it boombox