AIWA HS-J2 vs. HS-J02

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by kanamaster, Jun 5, 2021.

  1. kanamaster

    kanamaster Member

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    Hello everybody. I've recently learned that there are two variants of the (apparently) same model: HS-J2 and HS-J02. Can someone here give some information as to what the differences between both of them are? In advance, thank you very much for any help. Regards.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    One of my all-time favorites, I have HS-J02 and there's an ebay listing for a J2, here's what I see....

    Antenna, HS-J02 (Silver), J2 (Black)
    HS-J02 has "Metal" symbol on the cassette door after the model number, J2 has it before the writing
    J2 has "CassetteBoy" on the cassette door

    It looks like there were Silver (bronze), Blue and Yellow, I think the blue and yellow were only available on the HS-J2.
    kanamaster likes this.
  3. kanamaster

    kanamaster Member

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    Thanks a lot for your answer Mister X. I must apologyze for not being clear enough in my previous post. In fact I was refering to differences as to mechanism, features, sound quality, etc. But I'm guessing that in these aspects they should be exactly the same. Don't you think so?
    And coinciding with you, it's also one of my all-time favorites. I met this walkman sometime back in the 80's, in Havana (where I come from) when a relative of mine living in the USA visited us. He had taken with him his HS-J02 (almost brand new and with original headphones and accessories!) and before returning home, he left it in hands of my brother. Unfortunately he didn't take good care of this marvel. About two or three years ago, in one of my visits to Cuba I took a couple of pictures of it. You can see that cosmetically it is already far from what it used to look like. It doesn't work anymore and I don't really know if it because of belts or any other thing. I couldn't bring it with me to Germany.


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  4. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't know about the transports, AO and TheLion used to be our experts on AIWAs but just looking at the photos it looks like the same unit. Usually the extra numbers or letters mean different voltage or a missing feature but they are identical. Mine do have an odd FCC ID # (Federal Communications Commission) on the back covering "incidental radiation," I feel like that could be the reason it has a different model number and maybe only shipped to the USA?
    kanamaster likes this.

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