So this device has a fixed amount of buzzing. Not interference because it is fixed amount of noice whatever it is. So I searched some and I think it is likely because of aged capacitors. The person I bought this from cleaned it very nicely and I also cleaned it so it is not dirt related. One of the caps close to battery compartment has legs that are corroded. What you say, should I go insane and change all of them or try to change that one rusty boi. It requires desoldering so I will wait for answer. He says he will give me a refund but I like this device, it is not Sony but a well built walkman. It looks like this suffered battery leak at some point and I want to try changing that one I guess, look at pictures of it pls.
Ok I chaned the bad capacitor. I can't tell if it got any better but I think it made a difference. I also cleaned the volume slider contacts, one of them was dirty. So it still got that hissing in the background. I can tell that it is not cassette noise because it is different I can't explain but I can hear the difference. What should I do
Does the buzzing noise pitch change if you put the unit in play and keep the takeup reel from rotating with your hand ?
What frequency does the noise has ? It's 50Hz mains hum or it is higher frequency ? Are you using the unit on batteries or on a mains power supply ? A higher frequency noise can mean there is oscillation is an amplifier circuit. That can be caused by some capacitor in a feedback network which has gone too low in value, likely from leaking.
It peaks around 10K hz. I was wrong it is motor related. It increases in frequency when the motor is working harder and when it stop the noise stops. Turning the motor without the belt attached confirms that it is a motor sound.