Does anybody know the dimensions (at least the diameter) of the belt that this walkman uses? Thanks in advance and kind regards.
Thanks a lot for your answer. I know the site. I just want to know at least the diameter of the belt. You can not see it in the website. Kind regards.
Given the similarity of this mechanism with the Pioneer PK-5AW/R7AW, I think the diameter is ~55mm. Here is my thread about the Pioneer: I'm curious, why do you need the diameter ? Want to use a different thickness one than what is on FixYourAudio ?
Thanks again for your answer. No. Not looking for a different thickness at all. Only that the belt from FixYourAudio comes from Slovakia, while here in Germany I could find them cheaper and faster, but I need to tell them the diameter. Anyway, today I received the one for FixYourAudio. For the next one (I have another HS-J02) I will try a supplier in Germany and compare the belt with the one of FixYourAudio. Kind regards.
By the way, I have just measured the diameter of the belt I received from FixYourAudio for the Aiwa HS-J02, and it should be 70 mm, as you can see in the picture I attach. Also, I think it's thinner than the broken one I found inside the walkman, although not 100% sure about this last thing. Kind regards.
Can you post a picture of how the belt is routed on this AIWA ? 70mm is very different from the 55mm I stated in that thread and the mechanism does look to have extremely similar belt routing. Another aspect is wow&flutter: with the belt I put on my Pioneer the wow&flutter obtained was very high (> 0.4% WRMS). What wow&flutter did you get ?
Yes. Here you are. Right from this forum (at the bottom of the page): Also here, in this screenshot taken from the service manual: About wow & flutter, I can not say anything. I haven't mounted the new belt yet. No time for that. Besides, I found a new (and I think, very difficult) problem to solve: one of the screws holding the metal piece that covers the two capstans' flying wheels has its head's drive completely damaged. Now I find myself facing a problem that I don't know how to deal with. Without removing that screw I won't be able to mount the new belt. Apart from that, I'm not a technician, neither have I skills using electronic instruments to measure this or that. Just an amateur who throughout the years has had several walkmans and has opened some of them to replace their belts. Last thing, here you can see the screw I was talking about, just in case someone out there can give me ideas of how to remove it. (Image not original of mine. Taken from internet just to show where the screw is located.) Kind regards.
There are a couple of methods that can be used to remove that screw: 1. Grip it firmly with a pair of pliers and rotate it. Depending on how bad the damage is and how tight the screw is this might not work. 2. Cut a line in the screw with a small cutting disc using a dremel. After this, you can turn the screw with a flat blade screw driver. 3. The last resort is to cut the head of the screw completely with a cutting disc. After this it can be replaced with a new one.
Hello again. Option 1 does not apply. I already tried this but there is too little space to maneuver. I already thought about option 2. I think it could be the best idea. But first I have to buy or find with my neighbors the necessary tool. The same applies for option 3. Thanks for your ideas.
Could you please give one or two links where I can exactly see the kind of tool and disk you are telling me. Thanks in advance.