I think all of the boomboxes are called SR-2100? Here's the site I use for Sears Equipment, I'm also a tool guy and they had some great tools over the years. The first three numbers are the manufacturer's code. Ashai would make sense since I don't think they are on the list. http://vintagemachinery.org/craftsman/manufacturers.aspx
Sanyo M7000, this one looks minty and this is a little below the going price. I don't have one yet, I'd grab this but boombox season is in full swing and there's a ton of cool stuff available. I'd even go further and say this is the epitome of a mini boombox, very basic but classic design. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1945865776...,osub=osub,crd=crd,segname=segname,chnl=mkcid
More intrigued by the (un)labeled boxes in the background tbh! This seller only has 1750 sold items to his name, and is very meticulous it seems
With 1748 items for sale you would have to be very organised. I have sold hundreds of items on eBay but never had more than five listed at the same time. The one time I tried that, people (quite rightly) started complaining about how long it was taking me to post their items. By the time I have found a box and packing in the garage, printed a label etc it can easily take an hour to get one item out. The last item I sent (a Matchbox train set) needed a custom made box to meet airmail size regulations.
I've seen one on USA Ebay in the past few years, a true classic, the Crown RX-9800. This has the full FM dial. Edit, there seems to be at least three of these listed, I think this is the new thing in Japan, to have several listings of the same unit, I'm not sure what it means,? https://www.ebay.com/itm/284580687964?hash=item424254b05c:g:TGwAAOSwQj5hxUe9
For the collector, Silver Crown Cassette Tapes! These could be from either Silver or Crown, or neither, the Osaka Japan would be your best clue. https://www.ebay.com/itm/113002759470?hash=item1a4f7d452e:g:YcEAAOSwPHxbAFVP
Check out this beauty, the Hitachi J5 Mini-Stereo. I don't know anything about this and have never seen it before. If this is similar to the earlier Lo-D Mini-Stereos it's probably pretty nice but the speakers kill any big stereo sound. Hopefully it's not a drop-off like the latter aiwa (small case) Systems. You will definately have something unique. Oddly the markings on the back are French or Canadian but it's 60 hz and 120 volts, perfect for the USA Buyer. https://www.ebay.com/itm/294663179406?hash=item449b4b4c8e:g:AJoAAOSw5OVhxq77
Some of these early boomboxes are a little less than exciting but if you put them next to later models, they actually look kind of nice and most of these are pretty big. Super-rare Hitachi TRQ-222, I'm not sure why these are showing up now but there's a lot of them. The R and L Level Meter is price-less old school. I don't know if I've seen that set up before. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133859463627?hash=item1f2aa551cb:g:ApQAAOSwwUhhJpv-
I hate to be mean but it is really basic but if you love Hitachi you could have two of a kind, the Hitachi TRQ-232S. Both of these models do not have a radio but they still look a lot like early boomboxes. https://www.ebay.com/itm/294465576825?hash=item448f841f79:g:KQsAAOSwokphaeME
This is the one I dream about at night, it's really, really small! https://www.ebay.com/itm/3249340393...D3Rh4rP0JCW9EgPGZzbX|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2047675
A super rare Victoria, no manufacturing site, maybe Hong Kong or Singapore? No listing in the wikiboombox.com for this little guy but I like the way it looks. With the little VU meter it's very similar to the little Conion but the big toggles on the top look out of place. The Victoria PQ-383D https://www.ebay.com/itm/255307313106?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m2763.l2648
Super old BASF 9300 Boombox NOS, the box looks German, the plug in voltage might not match USA. I forgot to mention, I love the logo! https://www.ebay.com/itm/234358815767?hash=item3690dfbc17:g:C2sAAOSwMShhz2Th
It's also common for them not to post high-rez photos, so zooming in is impossible. They also do not provide complete descriptions. I suspect this might be due to language difficulties, Japan tends to be a rather insular place, and English use is not widespread Regarding that Crown, I have one, it's a very well-built unit, but the case is made of synthetic leather, meaning a petroleum product, and every 1-2 months a sticky residue appears on the surface.
I love the "missing link" boomboxes, here's another, the Panasonic R-1837 AM radio only (with two speakers!). Not only is an an early boombox style but they also went deep on the briefcase trend that was kind of popular. https://www.ebay.com/itm/3042798526...dyzDIFJJ1yQNxw%3D%3D|ampid:PL_CLK|clp:2047675
Grundig's have popped on the radar, I only own a Yacht Boy or two multi-band radio from the 80's and their ok (not on display). I'd jump on this if it was in my price range, I love these portable multi-bands with cassettes, there were a small bunch of them from different manufacturers but they tend to be really rare. This is also getting into really tiny boombox territory and maybe an answer to the JVC RC-S22JW? https://www.ebay.com/itm/274959950489?hash=item4004e3e299:g:rn8AAOSwKcJhThKQ
Check out this beautiful little mini-stereo from Grundig, again, I don't know anything about these, quality may very but it looks nice. I might be a player on this but 50 HZ/220 Volts is tough but doable. I love the Philips Head Screws to set the pre-set FM stations. The cassette deck might be the best looking micro stereo deck out there. If anybody has photos of the whole system please post in the brochure section! The Grundig MR200? Mini Stereo https://www.ebay.com/itm/294205732396?hash=item448007362c:g:ZnEAAOSwY4Rgtmyl
Another European Find, they're showing up on USA Ebay, the Philips ART 20/00 (Made in Japan), now this is a beast, it's also kind of different with a tape deck on the front (top) face. If you have stuff like this your selling, feel free to post your ads! 20 years ago this would have been thrown in the dump. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255328328913