Toshiba RT S782 mini 'box

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by kitchen10, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Hi guys,

    I stopped off down my local flea market today and picked up this 'box for a whopping £7! It's in pretty good nick cosmetically, with both aerials intact and no cracks. It's missing the battery door, but nothing a little masking tape can't fix!

    The radio section works fantastically - possibly the best sounding small 'box I've come across so far. Nice tight bass response and clear across the high frequencies. It's got all the bells and whistles I'd need plus a gorgeous LED VU meter on the front. I can crank the volume all the way up and it doesn't distort at all! Amazing.

    The tape deck needs re-belting (and it's stuck on play somehow), but it has Dolby B, manual record level control and Tosh's MQSS system, much like Sony's AMS. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

    I'm very happy with it. One question: the function selector switch has a position marked 'TA/TB', and there's a 5-pin DIN socket on the back marked the same. Is this an auxiliary input?

    Some photos:



    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    sickly_b and Mystic Traveller like this.
  2. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    Most likely. Phono plugs are an American standard while DIN is the German Equivalent which was adopted by most of Europe. There are some boxes (there was one on here recently) where the 110V American version had Phono plugs and the 230V version had a DIN socket.

    The main difference is that the DIN plug supports both input and output in stereo so only a single lead is needed to connect a tape deck to the rest of a Hi Fi system. You should be able to find cables to convert DIN to other audio connectors quite cheaply on Ebay or Amazon.

    p.s I like the twin antennas
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    kitchen10 likes this.
  3. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Thanks. I'm going to Macgyver up a DIN to 3.5mm lead from an old MIDI cable and see how the auxiliary input sounds!

    I too love the antennae. They do a great job of picking up weak signals! :)
  4. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Just tone, im quite shocked, i always thought these had bass and treble, nice looking box tho congrats
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    kitchen10 likes this.
  5. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    These are really nice little stereo's with an excellent cassette deck, stable & reliable with a bulletproof mechanism :wink:

    Exceptional detailed treble & bass response - this was the end of Tosh's quality portables, they went downhill fast after this!!

    I love these & they are a worthy addition to any collection :reelspin: :reelspin:

    Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (2).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (38).jpg
  6. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Wow! Nice deck shot. Is it difficult to replace the belt on these? I've only done a couple of changes in the past and this is quite a complicated-looking deck.

  7. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Kitchen the decks are childsplay to work on I meant to mention that sorry.............

    Remove the front, unplug the deck audio & motor cables & I think 2 screws & simply lift it out of the cabinet :wink:

    Replace belts clean & oil capstan bearing - Put deck back in & while still open, power up the deck & deep clean the heads & pinch much easier when the front is off!!

    Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (3).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (4).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (7).jpg Toshiba RT-S782 Stereo Radio Recorder (9).jpg
    kitchen10 likes this.
  8. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Great photos! It's quite unusual to me that the front comes off rather than the back.

    How do you get hold of belts nowadays? I lucked out last time I re-belted my old Hitachi as I had some neoprene rubber O-rings of just the right size lying around, but I've since run out. Do you use isopropyl alcohol and a cotton bud for head cleaning?
    nickeccles likes this.
  9. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

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    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Nice, rather rare Tosh - congrats! :)
    nickeccles and kitchen10 like this.
  10. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    I use surgical spirit to clean roller & sometimes if the belts are a tiny bit saggy, a cotton bud & a god belt clean often revives the belts for a while............If belts are intact then remove them & boil them in water for a good 10-15 mins - this will shrink them & usually enables more useage! Only do this if you have no other option, new belts will always be a better bet :wink:

    Ebay for belts, get a couple of assorted flat belts & square X-section ones just make sure the flat one is as near to it's size as possible, just under is best choice!!

    Oh & keep surgical spirit well away from your stereo's case - this stuff strips paint very easily!!
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  11. Deliverance

    Deliverance Active Member

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    United Kingdom.
    Nice little box cool pics .
    nickeccles and kitchen10 like this.
  12. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Thanks for the advice. The flat flywheel belt was in fine fettle, so I won't need to replace that. However, it took me a while to scrape off the remains of the square belt. I've temporarily put an inventively shortened elastic band in and the deck runs just fine with surprisingly little wow and flutter. The music search function works brilliantly, much better than the 'TPS' system on my Technics mini component system. However, after reassembly the rewind has started screeching so that'll need some attention. :D

    Thanks Mystic Traveller! :D

    Thanks, Deliverance! :D
  13. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    Clean & oil the reel shafts after carefully prising off the split plastic retaining washers off each one & removing both reels - The screeching will be gone plus rewind/fast forward will run much better!! :wink:

    Don't lose the washers, they can pop off into the abyss if you aren't watching..............
    kitchen10 likes this.
  14. kitchen10

    kitchen10 Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England
    Thanks! I'll give that a go in the summer. Much work to do now!
  15. sickly_b

    sickly_b Active Member

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    Cheshire, ENG
    Hi there - I've read with interest your excellent posts re this cute Toshiba box

    By coincedence, this model fell into my hands recently - I serviced it but with a gap of a few days in the middle (risky!) and on re-assembly I had 1 leaf switch that I could not work out how to position..
    The fact that I had removed it for disassembly should have been a strong clue, seemed obvious, but for the life of me I couldn't work it out...

    Anyway, I put it back together and it's sounding great and playing well - with no obvious faults, even though I left this switch floating!!

    I can't quite tell from your excellent photos and guide where it should go - I was looking for a picture of the rear of the transport
    - if you can help I'd really appreciate it (you've already helped greatly of course by documenting your work so well)

    Here's hoping!
    DSC_2833.JPG tosh1.jpg

    Attached Files:

  16. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    That switch caught me out too like a kipper! :lollegs:

    I don't have any shots of the other side of the deck so unable to help or indeed remember where it goes! I can remember that it goes where one of the screws you removed to split the deck! take deck out again & try see if the wires help you guide it to it's place! Mine is all wrapped up & in storage now so I can't look at it :(
    I remember it leading me a right merry dance though!!

    I remember now! This is where it goes! Don't ask me how it operates or which way it goes but you have that stupid "Triangle" mount which slots into the small slot right next to the screw! Same screw holds it in place obviously! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: I wasted hours on this bloody switch & the original images of the 1'st one I had are long gone.......They held the key to this puzzle!!

    Here is mine along with it's original replacement speakers - The old ones were shot & completely worn out!! Now it's sweet & works like new! I really like these stereo's! :reelspin: :reelspin:


    Toshiba RT-S782 Replacement Spokers - 6 July 2018 (2).jpg
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
  17. sickly_b

    sickly_b Active Member

    Trophy Points:
    Cheshire, ENG
    ah great - thanks for that
    amazingly, this unit was sent to me (in near showroom condition) in error!
    I ordered something on ebay and the fella sent me the tosh by accident and my item to someone else. It was going to be a hassle and cost quite a bit to return and recover the original items so he said are you happy to keep it?

    It still has the 'BEAB Approved' Safety tag on it and I love the sound of it - the build quality inside, WOW - better than a lot of 'proper' tape decks with its massive flywheel

    It's had a little clean but really didn't need much. Used Meguiars Plast-RX on the perspex window - have you used this stuff? V handy for boomboxes and walkmen

    thanks again

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