Hello everyone, For some time now, I have been spending my evenings restoring one or two Walkmans. Up to now, the TPS-L2 and the DD series were hardly a problem. Now I have an AIWA HS-LX200 in front of me, and I couldn't find a clue as to what the fault could be. After inserting the batteries, the Walkman starts up briefly and then doesn't make any more noise. I have two videos. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HMU3ZQU7L2_dhwIfILp-AiGgQ5TbQg7r/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zkQJIZ27uLQ73iCwn3nKsGGvKmOFwavV/view?usp=sharing Maybe one of you has an idea what the fault could be. Best regards Simple
It is almost like the clutch problem on WM-150 and it's derivatives. It tries to run only changes direction. Did you put the tape into Aiwa in the second video?
@Raul: No, also in the scound video there was no tape inside. With the clunch issue, do you mean this? https://elektrotanya.com/aiwa_hs-px347_hs-px547_hs-px747_service_bulletin.pdf/download.html
Greetings I don't know that particular model but it looks similar to other Aiwa models I've worked on, try placing a tape in the bay! As there are usually some switch/es to detect the presence of the cassette! Kind regards Shaman