Philips AZ6897 still not working after new laser fitted

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by Simon Marston, Aug 30, 2022.

  1. Simon Marston

    Simon Marston New Member

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    United Kingdom
    Hi All,
    I have a Philips/Magnavox AZ6897 & an AZ6892.
    I want to get the AZ6897 working, so as the laser unit was dead due to corrosion, I bought the AZ6892, in hope the laser unit was better.
    Both were no good, and both are missing the middle lens drive gear, though deterioation.

    So, I sourced and bought 2 new CD lens units from AliExpress.
    Unfortunatly, these were also both missing that same gear, so I 3D printed it.

    But, still the AZ6897 is not working. I could get the radio to work previously, but not much at all now. its like the batteries are dead, but I`m trying new ones, as well as a PSU.

    I can get some movenent on the laser carriage, but thats all it seems to try, only in one direction : I have to manually move it back, for it to move driven again.

    Any ideas at all, what to look for?
  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I think @Jorge may be able to help you more in this regard, he's the Discman expert here.
    Can see a thread exists about this unit already, where he mentions the dead laser unit is extremely common (post #11):

    Have my doubts about such parts bought from Aliexpress, as many of them can be counterfeit (especially if price is too low to be true).

    The device certainly does look very good and its worth having in a collection, no doubt about that !
    Jorge likes this.
  3. Jorge

    Jorge Well-Known Member

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    Malibu, CA
    @Simon Marston - radio should work independently of CD, you must have missed something during reconstruction. Make radio work first, then put Discman in Service Mode (Service Manual is downloadable for free, just Google it)

    this is Totally Normal: except for when in the Service Mode state you can not Fast Forward or Reverse laser mech. Normally this can be done only After laser had successfully locked onto CD and read TOC. With Dead/Damaged/Not-Calibrated laser all you can do is what you did: manually move laser away from the center and it will return back when Discman will be turned ON. First it hits the center-switch, then bounces back, laser fires up and tries to focus onto CD. Once/If TOC is read only then you can use >> and << buttons
    Valentin likes this.

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