Hinge repair Yamaha tape deck (KX-670)

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by Emmpunkt, Sep 17, 2022.

  1. Emmpunkt

    Emmpunkt Member

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    Yamaha tape deck door repair kit

    Many of the old Yamaha tape decks have the problem that the door hinges are worn out(The spring for opening the door is only on the left side, no spring on the right side). Especially the #KX-670 with its heavy and thick door. So the door looks always crooked. Unfortunately there is nothing you can replace, because door and hinges are just one single part.
    Many people are placing washers underneath the right side of the cassette drive to make the door look right, but i didnĀ“t like this idea.

    So i made this small tool to reduce the diameter of the hinges from 3,5mm to 3mm. The "bearings" are made from brass tube 4X1, turned down on my lathe to 3,45mm. Held in place by a little blob of hot glue. (if it will not work, i can remove them easily).

    The outer part of the tool is the guidance and is placed over the 7mm shoulder of the hinge. The inner part works like a hole saw. The cutting edge is just made with a hand saw and a file. I did not spent much effort into it, because it is just a " one time use tool".

    The result is not 100%, but still 95%:nwink:

    Insta2.jpg Insta1.jpg

    insta7.jpg Insta4.jpg insta5.jpg
    Mister X and DutchNick like this.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Love it, now we need a way to fix the plastic pins that break on boombox cassette doors. I was thinking a few different ways, one similar to yours, the hard part is there's no stud for good support.
  3. Emmpunkt

    Emmpunkt Member

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    Is there an other way to find the center of the pin? Something like a radius around it and a flat surface?

    If this had not worked, next step was to drill a hole for a pin with shoulder (more support).But it did work (Ask me in a year again ;) )

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